
I’m leading New Jersey’s Second Chance – please read, share and support this campaign.


New Jersey’s Second Chance

INTERVIEW: LD38 Assembly Candidate, Bergen County Pastor Seeks ‘Redemption’ for Trenton


Something has been lost. Our nation is in trouble. We are in a wilderness. America and New Jersey need new, bold leadership. For several years now I have been listening to people in my congregation, the community, New Jersey and across the nation – yearning, hoping for principled, inspiring, decisive, solution-based, sacrificial leadership. I am now convinced that I am that kind of leader. And so here I am, actively asking God and myself, “What should I be doing about that?” Well, I believe in second chances and I believe it’s time for A Politics of Redemption – an empowering fusion of spiritual, governance, cultural, community, and economic visions and policies; and my platform is called New Jersey’s Second Chance. I ask for your thoughts and prayers. www.christopherbwolf.com

A little over a year ago, I wrote, “I am a Christian, a husband and a father, a citizen, a leader, a small church pastor; and I believe in a second chance for New Jersey and America. If God leads and opens the doors, my response is “Here am I; send me.” Well, I still believe, and last night God opened a door – I introduced the framework of a political, spiritual and cultural platform titled, “New Jersey’s Second Chance” at the Bergen County GOP Women’s meeting at which I was the invited inspirational speaker. I invite your prayers, support, and encouragement. I continue to leave all of this in God’s hands. Blessings, Christopher


New Jersey’s Second Chance – A Vision for a Resurgent State and GOP

Introduction – 1976 Memorial Day Parade in Fair Lawn


  1. Losing Our Way – The Wilderness
    • In our striving for greatness, we’re losing our goodness.
    • In our maintaining the status quo, we’re dimming the future for us and those to come.
    • In our warping of personal freedom, we’re losing our humanity and sense of community.
    • In our drive for wealth and stuff, we’re losing what is valuable and sacred.
    • In our desire for fame and exposure, we’re left with illusion and little that’s real.
    • In our worship of politics, government, and the material, we’re losing faith.


“Only embraced endings, permit new beginnings.” Walter Brueggemann


  1. The Second Chance – A Vision
  • Principled – The Power of Belief
  • Life and Liberty
  • Citizen and Community Centered
  • Prosperity Driven
  • Government – Essential and Innovative
  • Strengthened families


III. Pursuing The Vision

  • In Covenant
  • Missional
  • Authentic
  • Bold, Sacrificial Leadership
  • Honorable and Just
  • Solution Based

IV. The Questions

  • Are we willing to acknowledge the truth of where we are?
  • Are we willing to let go of “just being” and embrace a new way?
  • Are we willing to lose before we win?


Conclusion – Still worth it?




Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Numbers 16:48

201 417 1110



Things that usually don’t happen in comfort zones: Healing; Forgiving others; Growing closer to God; Seeking justice; Sharing the Gospel; Sacrificially loving others; Letting go of anger, grief and the past; New starts; healthier living; Reconciliation with family and friends and more. See, in our comfort zones, it’s about us – even as believers – but when we step out of the boat (Matthew 14:22-33) then it’s faith – because outside of the comfort zone – we need to rely on and stay focused on Him. So, are you stuck in the comfort zone? Are you ready to step out in faith toward a godly purpose? And yes, risk involves the possibility of what some call failure…but even if we stumble and fail while moving toward God – it’s still winning. If you are comfortable, please share how I can pray for you to move out of the comfort zone.

Enough death! It surrounds us – but there is a higher, greater power that delivers us and that enables us to overcome the things keeping us prisoners! God is calling us to truly live! Please watch.


In life and ministry, I have seen a lot of disease, addiction and death. A lot of cancer, heart disease, ALS and more. But I have to tell you that there is something very powerful and harmful that you will never see on a medical chart or death certificate. It’s heartbreak. Broken hearts. It might not take lives as suddenly as the others but it is deadly in its own way. Yet, I am still hopeful and I want you to be too. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted…(Psalm 34:18)” and “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted…(Isaiah 61:1).” These are just a few examples of the Bible addressing heartbreak. Jesus came to rescue hearts – from sin, from the trappings of this world, and yes from grief, fatigue, and hurt too. If you are among the brokenhearted tonight – please know I am praying for you – but more importantly – God desires to heal and and renew your heart and life. No heart and no amount of brokenness is beyond His hand. Healing starts with a reach…Reach for Him.

To endeavor to truly love others – because God has loved me. To choose to love others unconditionally, sacrificially – no matter what they say, do – whether you get anything out of it or not. To share joys, tears, heartbreak, victories and defeats – to truly be “with” people. Always with prayer and truth – up close or from a distance. To love – it seems so simple in concept, on paper; but in reality – it takes everything (it’s what Jesus showed at the cross). It’s my job, but I would do this, be like this, whether I was a pastor or not. Sometimes, I look back and laugh at how I thought it would be so simple; and I also rejoice and am thankful for how I have been changed and for what it is and what it means to have God’s love flow through you to others. And I thank all of you – what a privilege, a dream fulfilled.

Remember when ideals like “consent of the governed” from the Declaration of Independence, and the words of Lincoln, “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth,” meant something? Probably not because it’s been a long time. The latest news of influence and corruption must sound alarms and awaken us citizens.  It has become so clear that we need wholesale leadership change in Washington and Trenton. Leadership that puts the American people first. Leadership that is founded on faith, honor, character, sacrifice, and conviction. Leadership that is committed to solutions, innovation and vision. People are yearning for inspiring, authentic, passionate, dependable leaders; the status quo is clearly not working. It’s not just about elections and “scoring points” anymore – it’s about the heart and soul of a nation and a people. Well, I am a Christian, a husband and father, a citizen, a leader, a small church pastor; and I believe in a second chance for New Jersey and America. If God leads and opens the doors, my response is “Here am I, send me.”



Inviting you to a celebration tomorrow – 10:30am at First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook, NJ​. It’s a celebration of new beginnings. A celebration of second chances. A celebration of victory. If you are right now, or ever have been in a dead end situation – relationship, financial, health, work, or grief – tomorrow’s celebration is about how Jesus’ tomb seemed like a dead end too – but He is RISEN! Come hear and experience the power that helps us RISE too! Whether it’s your first time, or it’s been a long time, you will be welcomed and blessed!
