
Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Three years ago I wrote my first message to you as pastor and this was the Scripture – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).” I’m sure at the time it seemed difficult to imagine. Many things seemed uncertain at that time. But today, and particularly this month, we have reason to celebrate; to thank God and marvel at His kept promises.  


Three years later we can see God’s promises of a future and hope visibly at work. First Reformed has a focused vision of being a “house of prayer”; is more financially stable; new leaders are stepping up; relationships are deepening; people are experiencing care and support in difficult times; we welcome visitors to worship nearly every week; new members have joined; people are engaged in serving, Bible studies, and fellowships; there has been restoration and forgiveness; new ministries have started and continue; people report growing spiritually; and our service and witness in the community has increased. Amen! God is good!


In light of all of this, it would be easy to claim victory and rest. By all means we should take time as individuals and as a church and sincerely and abundantly thank Him. But sorry, God has been working among us in these wonderful ways for a purpose, and the purpose is not so that we stop and get comfortable.


Being granted a future and a hope by the Lord is a great gift and a calling. God has blessed us and as I have been teaching, God is looking for a “heart and soul” response from us. In November and the months following, we will have the opportunity to respond. We will have a sermon series in November called, “Renewing Our Hearts and Our Church.” Each week we will learn about and be challenged by stories or revival from the Bible. The series will conclude with an invitation for each of us to make a new commitment in our walk with Christ. It will be our personal and church response to God’s goodness and blessings over the last years.


In the coming weeks, I encourage all of us to take time to pray – thanking God, asking Him for continued guidance and blessings, to move in our hearts about our relationship with Jesus, as well as pouring out the Holy Spirit in our midst.


When I reflect on our years together so far, I am so thankful to God and to each of you – for your trust, for being welcomed into your lives, and for the privilege of being your shepherd. To God be the glory!  

Rev. Christopher B. Wolf
Isaiah 42:7

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Dear Brothers and Sisters: I invite you to join in celebrating with me, the new vision for First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook – 
“For my house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples (Isaiah 56:7).” Our vision: To become a place of powerful prayer for our congregation and  community – through which we can build relationships and minister with even more impact for Christ. The central message of this vision is “How Can We Pray For
As we go forward, it will engage congregation members of all ages to be involved in loving our neighbors; and we will be utilizing multiple channels to project our message of “How Can We Pray For You?” to people in need – personal outreach, web sites, social media as well as prayer services. And, we will look forward in faith to the fruit that God will bring from all the prayers and praying. 
For me, I am so thankful to God. I have served at three churches and in each case He has been faithful to grant powerful and unique visions that have helped shape congregations and individual believers. Vision animates, vision unites, vision lends purpose, vision points us to possibility. Vision is a picture of what God most desires in a given context. A long time ago, when I was on a 9th grade trip to Washington D.C, wandering through the Capitol Building, I found a plaque above a door that read, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…(Proverbs 29:11).” That left such an impression on me. And beginning in college, I have sought to bring this to every endeavor of my life – personal, professional and ministry. Asking what God desires for lives, a congregation, people, and community; and passionately seeking with the Holy Spirit’s help to actualize it. Discerning and casting vision takes hard work – constant prayer, understanding the present in truth, knowing the Word, effective communication, knowing the collective gifts of the given congregation, patience and endurance, understanding God’s mission for the church, and being aware of the needs of people in the community. It is truly a gift from God in so many ways.  
Thank you for your support and prayers!
In Christ, 
Isaiah 42:7

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Easter 2012

So often our times are influenced by news. Listening to the media, on most days we are harassed with a litany of bad news – death, destruction, debt, despair, and more. At times, if just listening to the news, things can seem pretty hopeless. We long for and yearn for some good news; and occasionally a light shines in the darkness. At the same time, whether good or bad it usually just evaporates from our memories – but still it leaves many in a numbed, confused fog.

Fortunately, one Sunday morning long ago, there was a news announcement that has never been equaled. “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen (Luke 24:5-6)!” Talk about Good News!! It’s the best news. It’s the news that changes everything still. And I love how it is both cosmic and personal. Cosmic in the sense that Jesus overcomes death and sin and is alive! Personal in that he appears to individuals to restore and comfort them. And yet, the disciples thought just two days earlier that everything was lost – they had been sold on the “bad news” of the day. But we know that with God all things are possible! As Louis L’Amour wrote, “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning.” Amen!

And as if the news of the resurrection itself was enough…there is this truth: “The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit (Romans 8:11). Think about it. The Spirit who raised Christ from the dead – the power and victory that we celebrate on Easter – isn’t just a one day thing. Through our faith in Christ, this power is alive and working within us.

In a world of daily news of death, and dying and decay, we can take heart and hope that we have the source, the power that overcomes even death – within us. So that we look at circumstances and take account of all the obstacles we face – even when we think everything might be finished, because of the good news of the resurrection, because of that same power in our lives – we can be as Paul said, “more than conquerors in all these things.” As well, let us remember and rely on this power more and more as we continue to watch God lead us through this season of renewal for our church!

I invite you to share in the “Hosannas!” of Palm Sunday to the solemnity of Maundy Thursday to the sorrow of Good Friday and to the triumph of Easter. May we experience together the joy, wonder, depth, power and possibility of Holy Week:

April 1 – Palm Sunday Celebration with Luncheon, 10:30 am
April 5 – Maundy Thursday (The Lord’s Supper with Hand Washing), 7:30 pm
April 6 – Good Friday Remembrance Service, 7:30 pm
April 8 – Easter Celebration, 10:30 am

First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook, 5 Ackerman Avenue, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663; http://www.firstreformedsaddlebrook.com. Whether it’s your first time or it’s been a long time – you will be welcomed!
In Christ,
Pastor Christopher

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Advent 2011



Dear Members and Friends of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook:



“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19



For as long as I can remember, there is a single moment I long and wait for every Christmas Eve…


It’s after the service, after gatherings we might attend, it’s after everyone else has gone to bed…


In the sacred quiet of this miraculous night, I sit and try to treasure up “all these things and ponder them in my heart” – the wonder of God coming near – Emmanuel.


As this season continues and we approach this night of wonder, I invite you to please join us for the following:


            Sunday, December 11 – 10:30 am           Worship on the Third Sunday of Advent

            Sunday, December 11 – 4 pm                 Annual Vespers Program with Dinner

            Sunday, December 18 – 10:30 am           Worship on the Fourth Sunday of Advent

            Saturday, December 24 – 5:30 pm          Christmas Eve Service

            Sunday, December 25 – 10:30 am           Christmas Morning Worship


I know, I know, we live in a cynical, non-stop time; and to say that I am still amazed and in awe may be surprising. But if you think about it, no matter how many Christmases that we share and experience, the story, the event, the miracle is still as awesome as it was at the first one. God chose to come to us and to save us. It takes my breath away when I go there and sit with Him in the quiet of that night.


As the heavenly messenger proclaimed with a light that conquered the darkness that night, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11).” If there was ever news too good to be true…and yet it was and is true. The hopeless, hapless shepherds lives are turned upside down as they are told to go see the proof – a baby wrapped in cloths lying in a manger (Luke 2:12). He came to us. In just one night as the Son of Heaven bent down to dwell on earth – the separation from God was being bridged, being poor was never the same, being hopeless and grieving were never the same, being on the outside was never the same, sin and death would never be the same either.


And He still comes to us, while we are still sinners, while we forget about Him, while we are distracted, while we despair, while we think this is “just another Christmas.” I invite you this year more than ever before, to take all these things – His arrival, His promised return, His sacrificial and transforming love, His death and resurrection and His Kingdom and reign – and “treasure up all these things and ponder them in your hearts.”


After the trees, lights, gifts, carols, cookies and food; in the quiet of Christmas Eve and in the quiet of our hearts and souls – the hope, the peace, the joy, the love – the wondrous, once and yet eternal gift of God in Christ can come alive again.



In Christ’s Love,



Pastor Christopher B. Wolf

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Here is the trailer for my book, With You Every Step of the Way – which is officially released tomorrow, September 27!






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Hey there!!


I am excited to introduce to you the new and improved www.christopherbwolf.com thanks to my talented wife Jennifer! It has new features, a direct connection to Living Water (weekly message), more links (Twitter, FB, etc.) and information about my first book Giving Faith a Second Chance as well as my new book – released next month – With You Every Step of the Way! I believe it’s the right book for the right time. There is so much uncertainty and fear in our world and lives today – and this book comes along at this time to remind us that God is always with us as well as to reveal a path built on solid things. It will be a source of hope, inspiration and comfort each time readers turn to it. 


As we approach the official release date of With You Every Step of the Way – September 27 – it’s essential to start reaching out and “planting seeds” about the book. It will be available in paper, as an ebook (for IPad, Kindle, Nook) and audio. It can be pre-ordered through the publisher site at full price, http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=978-1-61777-838-4 but you may want to wait until it’s on Amazon and other discount sites. So I am asking you for three things:


  • ·        Please share this announcement or your own post/email about the book with others.



  • ·        Please consider hosting a book event (i.e. brief talk and/or book signing) at your home or other location; or connecting me with your church or organization to host an event. If you have any interest in hosting an event, don’t worry about distance right now, we can look into all of that. Any general networking related to the book would be greatly appreciated.



  • ·        Please pray for the message of this book to be clear and for it to reach the people God desires to receive it.



I want you to know that this is not an ego or money thing for me. Any reach or effort I am making is about sharing this message. As my father Carter and I have discussed many times – I am just a messenger, this is not about me.



It promises to be an exciting fall; lots of good things happening at our church, First Reformed of Saddle Brook as well as the release of this book. To God be the Glory!!



I want to thank you so much – many of you have been encouraging and praying for me for years (some, for my whole life!); I am so blessed with family and friend support!! Thank you and God bless you!



For Him, Christopher





Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7




Christopher B. Wolf is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and the forthcoming, With You: Every Step of the Way (September, 2011).


“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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Dear Family and Friends:
I am blessed to share that the release date for my next book, With You Every Step of the Way, has been announced: September 27. As you might imagine, I am very excited and looking forward to sharing more information about it as we get closer – versions (paper, e-book and audio), media opportunities, events and more. As always, I am so thankful for your prayers, support and encouragement. The idea of the book arose out of a very difficult time – when I was questioning among other things, whether to even continue in ministry. Fortunately, God’s presence and comfort (through many of you), hope and wisdom prevailed – and this book is the fruit, good fruit of that season! I am here to tell you that God is indeed with us every step of the way! Here is an excerpt:
“I have learned and experienced so much, from the wonderful to the tragic and everything between, and I think I have discovered enough to be able to authentically share it with you. So this is me taking my journey and steps, taking my worn and torn maps and notes, and sharing them in the hopes of helping you with yours.” From “Walk With Me,” the introduction to With You Every Step of the Way.
I hope that you (and many others) will “walk with me” for a while. I am convinced that this book has a lot to offer – a hopeful, clear message as well as a helpful framework through which to view and navigate the faith journey: Assurance, Heart and Soul, Possibility, Fellowship and Transformation.
Also, a new Living Water is coming later this week!
Grace and Peace,


Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7




Christopher B. Wolf is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and the forthcoming, With You: Every Step of the Way (September, 2011).

“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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SADDLE BROOK, NJ – This summer, First Reformed Church is offering an insightful and fun way to learn more about faith and connect with others.

On Monday nights starting, June 20, Pastor Christopher Wolf will lead a study and discussion of the book 2 Corinthians from the Bible. The gathering, which will run from 7 to 8:30 pm, will also include time to “check-in” with participants as well as a “ask faith questions” time as well.

“I wanted to create a gathering that combined Bible study, people connecting and sharing, as well as room for seeking answers to everyday faith questions,” Pastor Wolf explained. “We’re going to learn, grow, share and have some fun.”

Pastor Wolf said that in addition to church members, area residents are absolutely invited and will be welcomed. “This is a great way to learn more about the Bible as well as “get your feet wet” and explore what a Christ-centered, loving church is like,” said Pastor Wolf.

Pastor Wolf said that 2 Corinthians was selected because it covers salvation, mission, leadership, spirituality and being part of a church.

First Reformed Church is joyfully serving and sharing Christ with its friends and community and is located at Saddle River Road and Ackerman Avenue. Parking and entrance for the study will be at the Ackerman Avenue side. For more information call 201 843 6672 or visit www.firstreformedsaddlebrook.com.



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Awesome review of Giving Faith a Second Chance – please read:

In his book, “Giving Faith a Second Chance,” author Christopher B. Wolf appeals to Christians who feel distanced from God. A self-proclaimed “benefactor of second chances and do-overs,” Wolf offers spiritual advice coupled with compassion to bring Christians back into an interactive relationship with God.
The purpose of “Giving Faith a Second Chance” is to restore and renew believers. It describes various emotions and behaviors that keep people from the presence of God. For example, Wolf includes chapters on shame, grief, addiction, anger, fear, depression, sin and others. He then provides the reader with a fresh look at the situation, and then offers both a personal and Biblical perspective on how to deal with these issues of life.

In the “A Homecoming” chapter of the book, Wolf refers to the story of the Prodigal Son and says this: “We start facing the truth, at the rope end. At the same time, it’s incredible how the end of the rope jars our memories of good things like old pictures — of what can still be good.”

I recommend “Giving Faith a Second Chance” to every Christian who has been offended, disappointed, discouraged or who has gotten weary in the spiritual battle. I also recommend this book to Christian leaders and pastors looking for a compassionate approach to reach Christians who have fallen away from God.

— Jamee Rae Pineda, author of Follow the Solid Rock Road: Pathway to Radical Recovery




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Hey There!

I am blessed to tell you that I have signed a contract for my second book to be published. Thanks be to God! As you might remember my first book was Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007). The working title for this one is With You: Every Step of the Way. Below is a description:

With You: Every Step of the Way

With You: Every Step of the Way is a new and practical “word atlas” for believers and seekers – anyone who desires to navigate and draw closer to God along the unpredictable but exhilarating journey of faith. It is a lifelong expedition with much uncertainty and loneliness. The weight we carry rarely gets lighter and it requires more strength than we know we have…

Along this journey, we lose our way and our confidence, yet celebrate and find meaning, get distracted and stuck, learn and gain wisdom, become hopeless and despairing, deepen relationships and build new ones, leave our old selves behind and become new creations, and ultimately arrive at discovering who God created us to be and who God really is.

With You: Every Step of the Way reveals and illuminates these very things we need and receive along the way: Assurance, Heart and Soul, Fellowship, Possibilities, and Transformation. Pastor and author Christopher B. Wolf’s clear, authentic, engaging and encouraging writing style and messages will very quickly become a trusted and faithful companion.

Formatted for the individual who needs insight and support as well as for the small group that wants to grow, study and think together – With You: Every Step of the Way includes thoughtful, discerned messages as well as reflection questions that will inspire compelling contemplation and discussion.

I am very excited for the release of this book! It captures and summarizes my distinctive voice, heart and approach as a pastor, brother and friend – as a shepherd. I have designed it in such a way that it can serve as more than just a one time read – but as a trusted companion to whom readers can turn and return for encouragement, challenge, comfort, hope, direction, growth and reflection in their faith journeys.

The timetable for its release is about 6 months. I will send you updates throughout the process. Please share this email/message with family, friends, co-workers and others that you think would be interested in this book and my other writings.

In addition to this new book, I am exploring the idea of a new blog that would be a combination of Living Water, church revitalization messages and renewing America articles. Stay tuned…

Please learn more and keep up in touch with me through the following channels:





As always, I am so grateful for your prayers, support and encouragement – all of these continue to be welcomed and needed!

Grace and Peace,


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