
Posts Tagged ‘2 Peter’

“The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

A Note from God, based on 2 Peter 3:9

My Dear Child:


I know you have often been confused about the difference between my timing and yours. I know there have been times when you felt like I was slow in showing up or making things happen. Please remember that when I promise something – it is going to happen because all things are possible with and through me. I just ask you to also remember that our senses of timing are different. Like it says earlier in 2 Peter that with me one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.


I also want you to keep mind that I am patient with you. You know from my Word that all of you are going to fall short – a lot and that I no longer remember your confessed sins. Remember all those times you have asked for second, third and fourth chances? That’s my point – with Jesus standing before you as your savior, in my view, I have no memory of the reasons and the requests. I remain steadfast and faithful. And I am patient, you have seen that. Once you are mine, I never give up on you…

The Goal

The reason I am patient with you? Because I don’t want anyone to be permanently separated from me. I created you – I don’t want something I created to be destroyed. I want everyone to come to a point in their lives where they recognize the need for me – the need to repent and turn in their hearts to me for salvation and for living abundantly. And if you look over your lifetime, this is what I have been patiently and purposefully doing. I know in your eyes it often may not look purposeful or that the timing has not worked out according to you. But here’s the thing – the timing and the patience have to do in part you with you! How many times have you said to me about yourself or others, “Why does this take so long?!” Like all humans – sin, guilt, pride, stubbornness and a whole bunch of other things get in the way of your heart belonging to me – you know it’s true J. And I know it is true and that is why I sent Jesus into this world to die on the cross and rise again so that you may live and have the way to return to me. And, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through events, through people, I have patiently walked along side you – never leaving you – reminding you of my love and care for you and knowing throughout it all – the very moment or moments you will return to me. That is what I want for all my children – yes for you.

The timing, the patience and the goal are all part of my promised love for you through my son Jesus. Maybe all along, through all the valleys and mountains, today is the day that you will turn and give me your heart completely…

Love, God


Discussion Questions

  1. Is today the day? Why or why not?
  2. Are you able to see/hear in this verse the “wideness of God’s mercy?” Why or why not?
  3. Can you think of and share some times when God has been patient with you? How does it feel to know why he is patient with us?
  4. Have you ever wondered about God’s timing? How does His timing look 5 or 10 years later?

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