
Posts Tagged ‘Bible study’

Hey There!

I am blessed to tell you that I have signed a contract for my second book to be published. Thanks be to God! As you might remember my first book was Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007). The working title for this one is With You: Every Step of the Way. Below is a description:

With You: Every Step of the Way

With You: Every Step of the Way is a new and practical “word atlas” for believers and seekers – anyone who desires to navigate and draw closer to God along the unpredictable but exhilarating journey of faith. It is a lifelong expedition with much uncertainty and loneliness. The weight we carry rarely gets lighter and it requires more strength than we know we have…

Along this journey, we lose our way and our confidence, yet celebrate and find meaning, get distracted and stuck, learn and gain wisdom, become hopeless and despairing, deepen relationships and build new ones, leave our old selves behind and become new creations, and ultimately arrive at discovering who God created us to be and who God really is.

With You: Every Step of the Way reveals and illuminates these very things we need and receive along the way: Assurance, Heart and Soul, Fellowship, Possibilities, and Transformation. Pastor and author Christopher B. Wolf’s clear, authentic, engaging and encouraging writing style and messages will very quickly become a trusted and faithful companion.

Formatted for the individual who needs insight and support as well as for the small group that wants to grow, study and think together – With You: Every Step of the Way includes thoughtful, discerned messages as well as reflection questions that will inspire compelling contemplation and discussion.

I am very excited for the release of this book! It captures and summarizes my distinctive voice, heart and approach as a pastor, brother and friend – as a shepherd. I have designed it in such a way that it can serve as more than just a one time read – but as a trusted companion to whom readers can turn and return for encouragement, challenge, comfort, hope, direction, growth and reflection in their faith journeys.

The timetable for its release is about 6 months. I will send you updates throughout the process. Please share this email/message with family, friends, co-workers and others that you think would be interested in this book and my other writings.

In addition to this new book, I am exploring the idea of a new blog that would be a combination of Living Water, church revitalization messages and renewing America articles. Stay tuned…

Please learn more and keep up in touch with me through the following channels:





As always, I am so grateful for your prayers, support and encouragement – all of these continue to be welcomed and needed!

Grace and Peace,


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