
Posts Tagged ‘birth’

Hello! Merry Christmas! Here is this week’s Living Water! It’s a remix of Sunday’s message. Please remember to listen to Walk With Me, Wednesday night, 8 pm on yfnradio.com. And if you’re in the North Jersey area, please join us on Christmas Eve, 5:30 pm at First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook. Blessings, Christopher

An Uncommon Love

So I typed “the need to be loved” into Google and it registered 362 million results. Not surprising right? 

Just a quick survey of conversations with family and friends as well as today’s popular songs, television shows, movies and books reveals that many of them revolve around this quest to love and be loved. 

This is not necessarily a bad thing. To love and be loved, well, those are good things. It’s the kind of loving though that is presented through these media and more importantly, the loving that many of us experience in life that is concerning. Because with reality and in media, we don’t often see loving that is healthy, life-giving and whole. And yet it is driving a significant amount of behavior and decision-making – ranging from well-intentioned to foolish to destructive to even worse. 

Unfortunately, much of the love we experience and witness is based on appearances and surface, self-serving, often manipulative, convenient, and safe; in other words not really love at all. In addition, what adds to fuel to the fire with all of this is the strong connection between self-worth and loving. 

And yet, at the heart of all the sentimentality of Christmas is a great, wonderful, powerful, transforming truth: God’s uncommon love is made visible in the birth of Christ. Let me show you…

This uncommon love has four characteristics. First, it’s a faithful and promised love. It’s hard to find good examples of faithfulness and kept promises today. When Jesus was born, it was the fulfillment of a promise God had made to His people, that their redemption, the whole world’s redemption would come through David’s lineage. “I will maintain my love to him (the promised descendant of David – Christ) forever, and my covenant with him will never fail (Psalm 89:28).” When Jesus was born that never failing love was nearer than ever before and remains as close and promised today for us through the new covenant in His blood and through the Holy Spirit.

The second characteristic of God’s uncommon love is that it is unconditional – meaning there it is a free gift – we don’t earn it, keep it or remove it. Why? Because God loves us uncommonly because it is about Him; it’s His character. Much of the love we experience is based on our behavior, expectations, agendas and more. That’s not God’s love. “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 John 4:10).” God’s love as made visible in the birth of Christ was about Him and was His initiative. In our lives today, He loves us…just because. Unconditional love is so liberating – it frees us from who were were, from the past, it upholds us in the present and allows us to step confidently into the future. 

The third characteristic of this uncommon love is that it is sacrificial. Loving sacrificially is not too popular today. We want to love and be loved…conveniently, safely and without any pain. That usually doesn’t work out anyway. But God’s love in Christ is very different. “Who, being in very nature, God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness…(Philippians 2:6-7).” He was and is the Son of God and He completely condescends to us – Creator taking the form of one of His creations – to live, suffer, die and be raised for us – out of love. It wasn’t a mistake or random event that He came here. There is truly nothing like this. 

Finally, the fourth characteristic of God’s uncommon love is that it is daring. Jesus coming into this world as a human, as a child – think of the vulnerability, the risk. This is what moves us we about romantic love – a hero or heroine risks and dares to love when it doesn’t make sense, in ways that do not make sense or are unconventional. As well, Jesus enters this world not just as a vulnerable child – God dwelling in the flesh, so close, but then He dares to and actually does reach and transform human hearts, while at the same time challenging the religious establishment and turning social conventions upside down. He loved and still does love the unlovable among us and sheds His grace upon our unlovable characteristics – this is a daring, risky, nonsensical love – but it’s true and it’s ours. 

You’ve heard Garth Brooks, Adele and others sing this song. I ask you to listen to it as if it were coming from Jesus, “When the evening shadows and the stars appear and there is no one there to dry your tears, I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love…I’d go hungry, I’d go black and blue, I’d go crawling down the avenue, know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you feel my love…Go to the ends of the earth for you, to make you feel my love.” This song echoes all of these God love characteristics. When you think about all of these together – faithful, unconditional, sacrificial, and daring – this uncommon love of God is, for many of us, barely believable – too good to be true. It’s inspiring and breathtaking and adds such meaning to what Christmas is really about: the revelation of God’s love in Christ – powerful, transforming, healing and ultimately saving…in other words, a miracle, a visible demonstration of God’s love and power. 

It’s the love you’ve been searching for, the love of which you’ve dreamed, the love you’ve been thirsting for…and it’s the love that doesn’t have to be sought after or found; it finds us…it has found us – that’s the baby in the manger! Please hear me today. Loving and being loved never should have been and no longer has to be a distorted, fearful, manipulated, or pretentious experience. Oh, when we awaken to find and behold the gift of God’s uncommon love for us in our hearts and lives – it’s better than even the best Christmas morning gift opening! Then all the fear and self-serving and confusion can disappear as fast as the wrapping gets torn off presents. And then when you and I, depending on God, start to try to love others in these ways – loving spouses, children, family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, fellow church members, everyone faithfully, unconditionally, sacrificially and daringly…what’s possible is this amazing, uncommon love of God becoming more and more visible so that while it may not be a baby in a manger or a man on a cross or an empty tomb; but it will still be His body. Christ in and through you and I – loving, reaching, restoring, liberating, lifting up, and embracing right here, right now for all the world to see and know. 

May the gift and miracle of God’s uncommon love truly become yours this Christmas.  


Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7




Christopher B. Wolf is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and With You Every Step of the Way (September, 2011); and the host of Walk With Me, Wednesdays 8 pm on WYFN 94.9 FM-NY and on http://www.yfnradio.com.


“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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Psalm 139:13-14

Wonderfully Made (Classic)

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

I don’t know much about knitting…

But I do know that knitting is a craft that requires patience, precision, focused effort and knowledge of what “it” will look like at the end.

That’s why these verses have always fascinated me. It is awesome to think that God through the Psalmist used the idea and word “knitting” to describe how we are “assembled” in our mothers’ wombs – long before we would ever be able to see the process via technology like ultrasounds. Patiently, purposefully, and with the full knowledge of our life, we are woven together in that sacred place. It’s wonderful, you might say 😉

Many times recently I have reflected on the value of life. Events like these have the impact of reminding us how precious each life is. Each day, we wake up, we get going to whatever we need to do, and rarely do we stop and think, “I am breathing – I am alive.”

Life moves so fast and gets so complicated; we take life – just being alive, for granted. And we live in a culture that seems bent on celebrating things that mostly take away from life. We also live in a time with such an emphasis on superficial appearance over character and other things of substance. It leaves a lot of people feeling ugly and unworthy and valueless.

But then we hear these words, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well,” it should stop us and awaken us to the value God places on life and our lives.

A friend named Erin is a teacher and professional make-up artist and named her business Wonderfully-Made based on this verse. She explained to me that she loves to use her gifts to bring out the “inner radiance” of women for weddings and special events, and that it is also an opportunity to talk about her love for the Lord and share the meaning of these verses.

We are created by God with an outer and inner radiance – no matter if others see it or not. And this sovereign, purposeful God doesn’t make mistakes. Every single one of us, no matter how brief or long our lives are – are wonderfully made by God for a purpose. And because He has made us “wonderfully” we have value, a value that no one and nothing in this world can add or take away from.

“You make everything glorious…what does that make me?” is a verse from the song “Glorious” by the David Crowder Band. What does that make us? It makes us able to reflect God’s glory through our words, actions, relationships and more.

Jesus, who was the fullness of God’s glory while he was on earth, added to the idea that we are “wonderfully” made when he said that he came to give us “life abundant (John 10:10).” The idea that we are not merely created to exist, but that our lives, when seeking to follow in His footsteps, will be richer, truer, more vital and more flourishing than we can imagine – wonder-full.

We are wonderful works of God. We were knitted together by Almighty God. We are invited to more than an existence, rather, to be fully alive in Jesus, and we are given the power to do so through the Holy Spirit – who is the very breath of God living inside us.

Maybe you just feel blah these days. Perhaps you have experienced the loss of a loved one recently. Possibly, you came very close to losing your life. Maybe, you are having trouble seeing any value for your life. Maybe something or someone in your life is causing you to feel worthless.

Please know this – everything about God is pointed toward life – from creation to salvation, from the cross to the resurrection, from life to eternal life, from Genesis to Revelation, from our first heartbeat until our last.

Let’s start living and praising God daily – ever more mindful of how precious this life we have been given truly is.


Discussion Questions

  1. Would you say you are mindful of being “wonderfully made” by God?
  2. Have you had experiences where you were strongly reminded about the value of life?
  3. What parts of your life are about “living” and which parts are taking away life?
  4. Do you ever think there is more to life that what you see? Say more…

Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7



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