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Genesis 2:1-3

Give It a Rest (Remix of Sunday’s (8/24) message – audio download – http://www.firstgrandville.org/content.cfm?id=213&category_id=4


“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude. And on the seventh day God finished the work he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had done. “ Genesis 2:1-2



Hey, I have a couple of questions for you.


When was the last time you were without your cell phone, Blackberry or PDA?


Do you often think that everything will fall apart if you are not there (work, family, etc.)?


Do you feel like things are spinning out of control and you don’t know how you will keep it all together?


Here we are on the edge of the “busy” season for many businesses, and school and church starting again – as well as all the activities that accompany those commitments. We look at our calendars with dismay and wonder how it will all happen – and what will be left of us by October.  


You see, we weren’t designed to be on the brink of falling apart physically and emotionally.


There is a better way.


It is actually God’s design, which He built into the system. That is what this idea of rest is about in this passage.


Think about it. Why does an omnipotent, all-powerful Creator God need to rest? He didn’t and doesn’t. Remember, He neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121).


So why is this rest in here. One main reason is that He knew that we are limited. There is only so much a human can take – physically, mentally and emotionally.


If you are at the end of your rope now, or are not too far, you know this.


But there is spiritual element to rest also. When we try accomplish so much, when we convince ourselves that we are so important, we are essentially saying that we don’t trust the Lord. We are saying we trust our power over God’s power. What can any of us, in any part of life, add or subtract from what God does? This is what happens when we put ourselves in the center rather than God being there. When God built rest into His design, it was in part because He has everything under control. I know it may not seem like it sometimes (many times) but He does. He is sovereign. And so often we think that if we do more, try harder, keep stretching, we can do what God can do. Wrong. And worse, it is dangerous for us, for our relationships and for others.


Besides, boundaries mean health. I know our society really likes to hold up over-achievers. But in the end it isn’t health. Again, not the way God designed us. There is a time for work and there is plenty of work to do; but there is also a time for rest.


What is sacred today? Very little. Why? Because we refuse to say “no” to so much – no boundaries. Keeping things sacred in society or in our own lives often can start with drawing a line. Saying “no” to the world is saying “yes” to God.


And when we think of saying “yes” to God or “yes” to holiness, we often think of a checklist that we need fulfill. This passage offers a path to holiness by abstaining – by resting. Holiness as acknowledging God over ourselves, His power over our power; and by obeying – because He wants to sustain us through our being in relationship with Him.


God designed this world and everything in it, and it was good. And He is so good that He designed within His creation, a way of restoration, a way of life giving, a protective seal called rest. God is the author of life; and in a world full of sin, decay and death – He still provides rest, blessing and holiness.


Oh what we are missing by ignoring this idea of resting in the Lord! As a pastor and brother in Christ, with this message today, I don’t want to see you work and work and work and ultimately wear out and burn out, when this gift of rest was there for you all along.


Hear the tender voice of Jesus calling, “Come to me all you who are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest…(Matthew 11:28).”


There can be an end to the chaos and the endless chases that end in emptiness.




Discussion Questions

  1. Can you name something that you can start to rest from today?
  2. Why do you think it is hard to let go of controlling things?
  3. Who is in charge of your life, God or you? Do your actions and thoughts reflect your answer? Is that the way you want it?
  4. Do you find it hard to say “no?” Why do you think this is?
  5. What is one thing or part of your life that you can start to make sacred today?

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