
Posts Tagged ‘commencement speeches’

You have picked 😉 an extraordinary time to graduate – war, economy, jobs, and the extraordinary cost of college. Maybe I would be worried in other years – but you are one of the most spiritual, resourceful, and socially conscious generations in history.


Still you have to be thinking, “What will make the difference? What will give you an edge…what will help you succeed?”


What will make the difference in life? A life of significance…


We are told that what really matters is having – confidence, money, material things, and fame.


But I think you and I know each of those only go so far.


The apostle Paul said, “For I have learned to be to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstance I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him (Christ) who strengthens me (Philippians 4:12-13).” 


This secret, or the difference has three parts – Faith, Purpose and Serving Others.


Faith is something to believe in – it’s innate to want to believe in something larger than ourselves – God planted that inside of us for him. Sometimes it gets warped into other things – sports teams, a band, or an idea. Faith gives order to chaos – order to the chaos of life – meaning – make sense of this craziness. When the whole world seems to crumbling – something that is solid on which to stand.


But for me, faith is more than this. For me, personally, it is the absolute assurance that because Jesus is my Lord and Savior, I will, without a doubt, be with Him eternally in Heaven. I don’t have any evidence for it – I can’t tell you where it is – but through faith, I know this. But also, I have come to know unconditional love and learned how to love others in this way. I have known grace and mercy and have learned to share these with others. Thanks to my faith, my fears have diminished and I find purpose. I want you to have these things via faith in Christ too. I want you to know that you can contact me if you have questions about this or want to talk more about it.


Speaking of purpose. This difference is also about a sense of purpose. It is the one thing that can cut through all the masks and pretense and games we play. We spend so much time and effort trying to please or impress others. With a purpose, all of that evaporates. Life with a purpose is something you never have to explain or apologize for. Once you find it – it’s you. Purpose gives drive and focus. And what follows with a purpose is passion – the difference between good and great in this world. Each of you has a God-given purpose – Jeremiah 29:11 – The Lord says, “I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and to give you a future with hope.” I implore you to use the next few months or years finding it – it is there – you may have to dig, it may surprise you, but it is there.


And when you combine faith, purpose, passion – in any situation, it will enable you to risk. And you and I know that all great things accomplished in this world required risk. Risk based on faith, purpose and passion will enable anyone, in any situation to go beyond survive – to thrive!


Finally, the third part of this difference is taking faith and purpose to serve others. You have heard, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” You understand that. I want you to know that this world needs you. We adults don’t do a very good job of opening doors for you to serve in our churches and communities. We have to improve on that. We need your energy, your passion, your ideas, and your resourcefulness.


Have you ever heard the Ralph Waldo Emerson poem called “Success”? My favorite part is, “To know that even one life has breathed easier – this is to have succeeded.” Each of you is capable of this. Each of you as a person of faith, as a citizen, son or daughter, brother or sister, friend, student, parent, mentor, leader – you will be called on to make a difference – it is in God’s plan. Many of you have already. Will you be ready? Talk about significance. The opportunity to help “a life breathe easier.” I know I have found it to be one of the most fulfilling moments of life.   


With faith in God, with a purpose, and through sharing your blessings with others – you will have this “difference” in your life – and you will make a difference. It is the life of significance for which so many people yearn.  


Class of 2009 you have all that you need to make a difference in this world – we are counting on you, we are waiting on you with hope for the difference you will make in your community, state, nation and world.




Discussion Questions

  1. Are you longing for this “difference” in your life? What can you do about it?
  2. What is your purpose? How can you figure it out?
  3. Have you ever made a difference in someone’s life? How did it happen?
  4. When was the last time you risked in reaching out to serve someone? Has it been too long?

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