
Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

Every scar, every sacrifice, every heartbreak, each time you held on, each time you stayed true, each time you’ve started over – none of them was in vain – God was and is with you and has counted the tears and has graced the broken places and has rejoiced at your devotion…Walk With Me tonight (Wed) 8pm.www.christopherbwolf.com and http://www.yfnradio.com.



In the end, our call is to be a people and a place where the power of Christ transforms lives – through becoming more like Him (discipleship), through being loved and shaped in community (fellowship), and through being met, loved, and restored at our needs and wounds (mission).




Lord, make me a channel of your peace today – where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope; where there is darkness, only light; where there’s sadness, only joy; where there’s alienation, only community; where there’s desolation; only renewal; where there’s a prison; only liberation; where there’s fear; only trust and faith; where there’s brokenness; only healing and restoration; where there’s insecurity; only unconditional love. Amen. – The first three are from St. Francis and then I added some others.




Last Sunday we said the below prayer of confession together. I am blessed and want to be at a church that can say this prayer honestly – and we did. I think a lot of people want to be part of a church like that; and I want to invite you to be a part of our church:


Prayer of Confession

Dear Jesus, we acknowledge our sins to you this morning. We have not loved others as you have asked us. We’ve chosen safety over risking. We’ve chosen convenience over reaching out. We’ve chosen our ways instead of your ways. We’ve chosen loving ourselves rather than loving others. We’ve chosen preserving over pouring out. We’ve chosen fear over trusting you. We’ve chosen indifference rather than mercy. We’ve focused more on the co$t rather than the cross. We’ve chosen to turn away instead of embracing. For all of this, for all the people we have failed to care about and reach, and more, we humbly say we are sorry, ask for your forgiveness and repent of our ways. Pour out your mercy and grace upon us that we may be made new. Renew and remake our hearts in your image – let our hearts break for those for whom your heart breaks – the poor, the alienated, the prisoners, the unloved, the broken, the ones who don’t know you, the rejected, the needy – to anyone who needs you – send us we pray. In Your name, Amen.




Last Sunday, I vividly witnessed the power of fellowship – sustaining, comforting, uplifting – sharing stories, trials, triumphs and tears. I watched in awe as the Holy Spirit transformed a group of Christians into a true church – an assembly of people highly aware of their need for God and their need for one another as they were being called to care for the “least of these.” Truly awesome.




You are precious in His sight. You are worth dying for. You belong to Him. You are His child. His love for you is immeasurable and unending and unconditional…




Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7




Christopher B. Wolf is pastor of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook and is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and With You Every Step of the Way; and the host of Walk With Me, Wednesdays 8 pm on WYFN 94.9 FM-NY and on http://www.yfnradio.com.


“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.

N.T. Wright

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 Whether we like to admit it or not, and we usually don’t, we all need to be rescued. Some of us need to be rescued from financial problems, from toxic relationships, from soul-killing jobs, from our worst selves, from mental or physical health issues, from our destructive habits and addictions, from pride, self-sufficiency and anger, from our denial of needing a rescue, and from our sins, guilt and pasts.

Likewise, whether we like to admit it, we spend a significant amount of time and energy hoping that rescue comes – in the form we would have it. Case in point, how many of us spent money and time dreaming of what we were going to do with the $640 million we were going to win last week? Many of us believed that winning would be the rescue of all rescues – all the other problems would go away.

If you can believe it, it’s the same idea or motivation that drew all those people to shout “Hosannas” wave palms and throw their cloaks (Mark 11:1-11) before a relatively unknown guy riding on a donkey. They believed he was the promised answer to their problems – Roman and economic oppression, spiritual disconnection from God, restoration of their kingdom. As we know today, those “Hosannas” turned to curses laster that week. What happened?

Well, then and today, God did come to rescue; it’s just that it often doesn’t come in the way we expect or are ready for or even desire. You see Jesus came into Jerusalem that day in peace. And in Mark’s Gospel, after the “parade” it says he went into the temple and looked around – his temple – think about it – the dwelling place for God and God in the flesh together. He had come in peace – to restore and reconcile God and God’s people to relationship. But the people were hoping for a warrior king who was going to lead a revolution and kick out the Romans. Thus the “Hosannas” turning to “Crucify Him!” He wasn’t the rescue or answer they wanted.

But he was the rescue God sent and the rescue they actually needed whether they knew it not. God knew then and still knows today that what we really need first is a spiritual rescue. First of course from our sins but if we trace and analyze the roots of all our other challenges and issues – the roots are spiritual. So in Jesus’ time, when the people were thinking that the answer to all their problems – their rescue needed to be an overthrow of Roman oppression – God sends the Prince of Peace – His peace to them. Because an overthrow of sin and pride and despair would be far more liberating and life-giving than Rome being evicted from Palestine.

And so today, there is no strategy, no plan, no system, not even steps that compare with the rescue God has provided – Jesus. Then and today, Jesus is the rescue and the answer. He himself is the rescue and peace – embracing Him. All the things we look to for a rescue – Megamillions, relationships, another drink, popularity, new jobs, new church, new city – all the things we think we make it all go away – will not get to the root.

Listen, it’s because the point is not to be richer or more successful or more loved as a way to achieve peace – God’s point all along with us is that our relationship with Him through Jesus is the starting point and source of our joy, grace, and peace, then all the other things will be added. It’s not about solving all our problems with cash and mantras – it’s so that we can see and endure anything that happens in our lives and still say or sing, “It is well with my soul (because I am His and He is mine).” When you and I can more and more genuinely say and believe that no matter what the circumstance – that’s abundant life, that’s living rescued and forgiven, that’s faith, that’s the peace beyond understanding.

Maybe you’ve been praying for a rescue or an answer for a long time. And you feel like it’s never come. Maybe you’ve been faithful in waiting for it – “it” as you hoped it would be. But you’re still waiting, still hoping. That’s a good thing. It’s a very good thing to recognize the need to be rescued and that God could be or is the one to turn to. And about that rescue or answer seeming delayed…

Maybe it’s because the rescue you needed, was right there all along, right in front of you…


Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7



Christopher B. Wolf is pastor of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook and is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and With You Every Step of the Way; and the host of Walk With Me, Wednesdays 8 pm on WYFN 94.9 FM-NY and on www.yfnradio.com.

“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.

 N.T. Wright

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Easter 2012

So often our times are influenced by news. Listening to the media, on most days we are harassed with a litany of bad news – death, destruction, debt, despair, and more. At times, if just listening to the news, things can seem pretty hopeless. We long for and yearn for some good news; and occasionally a light shines in the darkness. At the same time, whether good or bad it usually just evaporates from our memories – but still it leaves many in a numbed, confused fog.

Fortunately, one Sunday morning long ago, there was a news announcement that has never been equaled. “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen (Luke 24:5-6)!” Talk about Good News!! It’s the best news. It’s the news that changes everything still. And I love how it is both cosmic and personal. Cosmic in the sense that Jesus overcomes death and sin and is alive! Personal in that he appears to individuals to restore and comfort them. And yet, the disciples thought just two days earlier that everything was lost – they had been sold on the “bad news” of the day. But we know that with God all things are possible! As Louis L’Amour wrote, “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning.” Amen!

And as if the news of the resurrection itself was enough…there is this truth: “The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit (Romans 8:11). Think about it. The Spirit who raised Christ from the dead – the power and victory that we celebrate on Easter – isn’t just a one day thing. Through our faith in Christ, this power is alive and working within us.

In a world of daily news of death, and dying and decay, we can take heart and hope that we have the source, the power that overcomes even death – within us. So that we look at circumstances and take account of all the obstacles we face – even when we think everything might be finished, because of the good news of the resurrection, because of that same power in our lives – we can be as Paul said, “more than conquerors in all these things.” As well, let us remember and rely on this power more and more as we continue to watch God lead us through this season of renewal for our church!

I invite you to share in the “Hosannas!” of Palm Sunday to the solemnity of Maundy Thursday to the sorrow of Good Friday and to the triumph of Easter. May we experience together the joy, wonder, depth, power and possibility of Holy Week:

April 1 – Palm Sunday Celebration with Luncheon, 10:30 am
April 5 – Maundy Thursday (The Lord’s Supper with Hand Washing), 7:30 pm
April 6 – Good Friday Remembrance Service, 7:30 pm
April 8 – Easter Celebration, 10:30 am

First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook, 5 Ackerman Avenue, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663; http://www.firstreformedsaddlebrook.com. Whether it’s your first time or it’s been a long time – you will be welcomed!
In Christ,
Pastor Christopher

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John 5:24

Life and Death         


“It’s urgent that you listen carefully to this: Anyone here who believes what I am saying right now and aligns himself with the Father…has at this very moment the real, lasting life and is no longer condemned to be an outsider. This person has taken a giant step from the world of the dead to the world of the living.” John 5:24 The Message


You’ve heard the phrase, “It’s a matter of life and death,” right? Meaning, it’s all on the line, or that it is a very serious situation.


Have you ever given it much thought?


We don’t face a lot of “life and death” situations in our lives. Certainly, in health, medicine, military or emergency personnel – that’s everyday.


My Dad was an EMT for many years and he used to say, “No one dies on my rig.” And he meant it. Sadly, some died. But he gave his all to keep people from crossing from life into death, if he had anything to do about it. And many, many lives were saved.  


Do we think of faith as a “life and death” matter? Do we think of salvation – our own or for others – with this same intensity – as a matter of life and death?


I mean, we often do when we think about the end – end of life.  


But what is really a matter of life and death? Work? Relationships? Well, maybe one relationship…


In this above passage, Jesus was saying that something momentous happens when someone believes what he said about himself being the Son of God and the Savior and thereby enters into a relationship with Him through faith.


At the moment of belief – calling on the name of Jesus as Lord and Savior – “has at this very moment (accessed) the real, lasting life (eternal life) and is no longer condemned to be an outsider (of the Kingdom of God).”


A brief note about “outsider.” See, God is holy. We are not. We are sinful by nature, which means that on our own – no matter how good we may or may not be – we start as outsiders in relation to God. But God didn’t like that. He wanted for us to be reconciled with Him. But the sinfulness had to be dealt with – it had to be atoned for because God is merciful and just at the same time. So Jesus paid for all of our sins for all time on the cross – opening the door to a living, life-giving relationship with God.


And so to believe that Jesus was God’s son and that He died on the cross for our sins, acknowledging that we needed the Savior to forgive our sins, and that we open our hearts and our lives to His rule and ways – is to become and insider in the Kingdom. It’s that simple and not that simple, if you know what I mean.


Then it says, “This person (who puts their faith in Christ) has taken a giant step from the world of the dead to the world of the living.” Another translation has it as, “crossed over from death to life.”


We are dead in our sins – eternally and in daily life. When we live by our desires, our ways, our pride, our wills – they all lead to death – but also a life that is not really alive. But when we “cross over” through faith from death to life – everything starts to change. We awaken. We become truly alive as God designed it to be…


Where are you today?


Have you crossed over from death to life yet? Do you have a heartbeat but feel dead inside? Do you feel like the power of sin is holding you down – keeping you in the “realm” of death?


That power of sin and death were crushed at the cross and left behind in the empty tomb. They are still at work, but they no longer have the last word.


Do you feel like an “outsider” to the Kingdom? The door is open.


Do you feel like you are unworthy and unforgivable? A total lie.


Crossing from death to life, entering the Kingdom, living a life that is truly alive – all of this – is just one step away…


The classic hymn sings, “The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.”


Often, when we think of faith today, we think of church and religion – maybe sermons, music and Sunday School, coffee hour and things like that – nothing very urgent. Maybe that is what it is for you.


But it is so much more. It is about a saving, living relationship with God through Jesus Christ. But not just any relationship…


It is after all, a matter of life and death.




Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever heard salvation described in this way before? How does it sound?
  2. Are you a religious person but not in a relationship with God through Jesus? What do you think after reading this?
  3. What do you think when it says, “sinful by nature?” Agree or disagree?
  4. Do you need a savior? Why or why not?

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Please listen to/download our Easter service from this morning. On this page, go to sermon audio and click on Power, Life and Grace. The message was from Isaiah 25 and Mark 16. The Lord be with you…


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