
Posts Tagged ‘journeys’

Twenty years ago, I went for a very special walk. As you know I love walking, so telling you that I went for a walk isn’t a big deal. But this walk was a one of kind…

It was December 31, 1991 and it was very cold. But I went for a long walk anyway because I had come (been led) to a decision. I had already decided that I wanted to serve others and try to improve the world. But at 21, thanks be to God, I realized I couldn’t do this on my own – I needed some help. I was also undergoing a spiritual awakening. I had grown up reading the Bible, going to church on and off but I was yearning for more. So this walk was a prayer walk – during which I committed my life to following Jesus Christ in everything. I smile as I look back and realize I couldn’t have known what it would mean. I had begun to let go of Christopher and began to embrace Christ – which at times has seemed like a loss but in actuality has been all gain…

He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it. For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life? Indeed, what can they give in return for their life (Mark 8:34-37)?” 

This week on my radio show, Walk With Me, I talked about this anniversary and shared 12 things that I have learned over the twenty years as a follower (not as a pastor – that would be a separate list, because after all I am a follower first). I wanted to share this not because I have perfected this – by no means! I still fall short all the time. But I wanted to let you see that anyone can move from seeker to believer and ultimately from believer to follower. Oh, how I have been transformed and continue to be transformed by the love of God in Christ and the Holy Spirit!  

12 Things I Have Learned After 20 Years of Following Jesus

1. Pleasing God first – “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).” It’s not about me. Less Christopher, more Christ. Not pleasing people or myself. When our first instincts are to please ourselves or others – we’re already off the path – and that is why so many people feel so empty and unfulfilled – no matter how much we try to please ourselves and others – it will be endless. When we seek God first, then we will find fulfillment – I know it sounds backwards but it’s how it works. At the end of the day, I have to be able to say, God has been pleased with what I did today; and seek His forgiveness for the parts that were not pleasing. 

2. It’s about my relationship with Jesus; not my religion. I love, need, depend on, celebrate with, misunderstand, get frustrated with, talk with, cry out, admire, and imitate Him – just like in a relationship. It feels real. He’s there, alive, responding, guiding. And I’m always mindful of how He went to the cross, died and rose again to save me. He is always faithful. He is visibly and invisibly at work in my life and in this world – I absolutely trust in Him – He has never failed me. 

3. Prayer, Prayer, Prayer; Bible, Bible, Bible. Can’t stop praying, can’t afford to stop praying. Praying about everything. And can’t stop reading the Bible; verses are on my mind all day. When I hear a song or listen to the news or hear people talking – corresponding verses just come to mind.  

4. Holy Spirit – seeking to yield to and cooperate with the HS in everything. Anything good that I do is by the HS’s power. 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “a new creation.” I am a new creation – much of the old has gone and much new has come. Listening, waiting on, seeking comfort in the Holy Spirit’s presence.  

5. Obedience – always trying to do God’s will over my will. Obedience as gratitude and worship rather than a chore or following a “list.” Obedience unlocks blessings from God. Asking the question, “What does God want in this situation, relationship, etc.?” Again, it doesn’t always happen, but making this the focus makes a huge difference – the desire to yield to God’s will. 

6. Risking for Christ’s sake – loving others fearlessly, loving the unlovable, reaching the unreachable, forgiving when it doesn’t make sense, and being okay with failing. Opening my life up so that God can be glorified – that my vulnerability can be used by Him and that it can open doors for others. I can risk and fail because I am confident, not in myself, but that God has me no matter what. Being bold about loving others and sharing my faith. Leaving it all on the field and going all in. 

7. Winning doesn’t always look like winning – most often it’s enduring and remaining standing. 

8. Being vs. Doing – I used to think that I had to do a lot of stuff for the Kingdom – numbers, accomplishments, etc. Not. God’s asking me (us) to be faithful. That’s what He can use. Accomplishment, activity, doing more…is about us. And being impatient is about us…Being patient and waiting on God working is also being faithful. I’ve had to learn to be patient. 

9. What has broken me in life has made me who I am. I used to resent things I didn’t have growing up as well as feeling bad about wounding experiences and failures. Now I understand better that God works best out of our brokenness and vulnerability rather than our strengths. I am able to lead, care for, pastor, teach, reach out primarily because of my woundedness; and then my Spiritual gifts enable me to “export” and share that passion and compassion effectively. 

10. Facing opposition and rejection – following Jesus is going to involve opposition from the world, from Satan, and sometimes even from other Christians. Sometimes the opposition is overwhelming and aggressive and weathering. But I have learned to expect it in a healthy way rather than being surprised by it. We need to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10ff). Just as we share in abundant life with Christ, we also share in His sufferings in this world. 

11. Christianity is not a solo endeavor. Need a lot of support and encouragement to follow Christ – I have been blessed by Jenny, my children, my brother, father, other family members, many friends and church members over the years who pray, encourage and hold me accountable. 

12. Gratitude begets more gratitude. I used to think about what I didn’t have. But as I have drawn closer to Christ, I am thankful for everything and focus much less on what I don’t have and probably will never have. Cultivating thanksgiving to God has changed my perspective on life, material things, health, wealth – when I focus on how it all comes from His hand then I am more and more thankful for every little thing and I don’t cling to “stuff” – that isn’t mine anyway 🙂

And is this challenging, draining and often doesn’t seem like a lot of fun (in the world’s terms)? True. It would be much easier to just sit on the sidelines and phone it in. Do I feel like an alien many times because of trying to follow Christ in this corrupt, crazy world? Yes. But I can’t think of anything more fulfilling and blessed and filled with ultimate joy. The things I have seen and beheld, the power I have experienced, the joy, wonder and adventure, the opportunities I’ve been blessed with to meagerly assist with the Kingdom of God, to have communion with God’s heart about the lost, the hurting and injustice, to see Christ in others, to be authentically alive…absolutely beyond my dreams – and beyond anything I would have “accomplished” on my own. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9).” 

And just like Jesus said, it’s about the fruit. If you are blessed by my life and ministry it all comes from and all credit is due to God. We all have different journeys, but it is about the fruit of our lives – do people see, experience, draw closer to God because of the way we live. 

I’m no Paul, but my hope is that, “Whatever you have learned or received  or heard from me, or seen in me – put into practice. And the peace of God will be with you (Philippians 4:9).” And, hopefully, you can see there is no magic formula here, I am not special; I simply responded to His calling and said, “yes” – by His help.

He’s calling to you too…to introduce Himself…to re-introduce Himself…to draw you closer… 

Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7



Christopher B. Wolf is pastor of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook and is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and With You Every Step of the Way (September, 2011); and the host of Walk With Me, Wednesdays 8 pm on WYFN 94.9 FM-NY and on www.yfnradio.com.

“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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Hey There! Here is this week’s Living Water! It is the introduction to my new book, With You Every Step of the Way, now available on Amazon, http://www.amazon.com/You-Every-Step-Way/dp/1617778389/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1316536283&sr=1-1 and as eBook, http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=978-1-61777-838-4 It’s one of my favorite parts of the book because it captures what I believe about being a pastor and what I have been trying to do for most of my life. Blessings, Christopher



Walk With Me



I have always been a fan of journeys. Growing up, as soon as I was able and all the way to graduation, I walked to school. I loved it. In college, I was able to go from the student center to across the street from where we lived with a combination of buses and trains. Near the end of college, I started on the greatest journey. I had always believed in God, but with just a few months left before graduating, I went on a walk, a journey during which I committed my life to Jesus and His will and design for my life. And that is when everything started to change.

No longer was the journey as easy as walking home from school or making the train or bus. No longer was the journey measured in footsteps or miles, but rather in faith steps. The journey got much more complicated—as well as wondrous, perilous, and joyful.

It seems very accurate and appropriate to think of the life of faith as a journey. Now, to be sure, this is no random jaunt or spree! Each and every step of our journey is intimately and definitively known by our loving God, who is there every step of the way. This book, With You Every Step of the Way, is putting to words, creating a word atlas, illustrating the things that we pick up, let go of, share, imagine, need, and that come with this journey. In broad terms, these things are: assurance, heart and soul, fellowship, possibilities, and transformation.

But I have to tell you something. Too often I have thought I had figured out things like who and what could be counted on; I thought I had looked inside and changed enough; I thought for sure I knew what God was up to. I have tried to take faith steps along the way on my own, thinking that I knew better than God, thinking that I was invincible and didn’t need any guidance or support from others either. In all of this, I couldn’t have been more wrong. And my journey reveals this fruitlessness: the dead ends, the wandering, the times of isolation, and the disorientation, as well as, by grace alone, the fruit: the miracles, the dreams, the loves, the stands, the revelations, and the reaches. See, from God’s perspective, there is no part of the journey that isn’t part of the journey; nothing is wasted in the kingdom economy and in our lives. Each and every step can be used to draw us closer to God and can be used to comfort, console, and encourage others. Through it all, and thanks to God’s faithfulness and mercy, I have learned and experienced so much, from the wonderful to the tragic and everything between, and I think I have discovered enough to be able to authentically share it with you. So this is me taking my journey and steps, taking my worn and torn maps and notes, and sharing them in the hopes of helping you with yours.

Like any good guide, I want to walk alongside you for a while, sharing, reflecting, and taking steps. Maybe we can even stop and sit and rest for a while together. All of our journeys include mountaintops, valleys, and wildernesses; and it often seems like the weight we carry doesn’t get any lighter. As you know, I can’t alter the journey God has graciously designed for you, but I can encourage you, whisper wisdom and insight, help reveal purpose and promise, laugh and cry with you, and make it more bearable, as well as illuminate pitfalls, landmarks, and breathtaking views along the way.

So, would you walk with me for a while?


Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7




Christopher B. Wolf is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and the forthcoming, With You: Every Step of the Way (September, 2011).


“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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Hello: This is part update, part Living Water. Over the last few months I have been working on a second book. As you may know, my first book, Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs came out in 2007. To learn more about it please visit www.christopherbwolf.com. I am also working on having Giving Faith a Second Chance converted into an ebook.

I have completed the manuscript for a second book, With You: Every Step of the Way. I am currently exploring publishing options for it. I welcome your prayers and encouragement. This week’s Living Water is the description and introduction to With You: Every Step of the Way. For updates, more information and to “like” my writing, please visit my Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Christopher-B-Wolf/17378287393. Blessings, Christopher

With You: Every Step of the Way

With You: Every Step of the Way is a new and practical “word atlas” for believers and seekers – anyone who desires to navigate and draw closer to God along the unpredictable but exhilarating journey of faith. It is a lifelong expedition with much uncertainty and loneliness. The weight we carry rarely gets lighter and it requires more strength than we know we have…

Along this journey, we lose our way and our confidence, yet celebrate and find meaning, get distracted and stuck, learn and gain wisdom, become hopeless and despairing, deepen relationships and build new ones, leave our old selves behind and become new creations, and ultimately arrive at discovering who God created us to be and who God really is.

With You: Every Step of the Way reveals and illuminates these very things we need and receive along the way: Assurance, Heart and Soul, Fellowship, Possibilities, and Transformation. Pastor and author Christopher B. Wolf’s clear, authentic, engaging and encouraging writing style and messages will very quickly become a trusted and faithful companion.

Formatted for the individual who needs insight and support as well as for the small group that wants to grow, study and think together – With You: Every Step of the Way includes thoughtful, discerned messages as well as reflection questions that will inspire contemplation and discussion.

An Invitation

I have always been a fan of journeys. Growing up, as soon as I was able – all the way to graduation, I walked to school. I loved it. In college, I was able to go from the student center to across the street from where we lived with a combination of buses and trains. Near the end of college, I started on the greatest journey. I had always believed in God but with just a few months left before graduating, I went on a walk, a journey during which I committed my life to Jesus and His will and design for my life. And that is when everything started to change.

No longer was the journey as easy as walking home from school or making the train or bus. The journey got a whole lot more complicated…as well as wondrous, perilous and joyful.

It seems very accurate and appropriate to think of the life of faith as a journey. And in my role as a pastor, brother and friend, I have learned many things from my own as well as others’ journeys. Every Step of the Way is putting to words all the things that we pick up, let go of, need and come with this journey. In broad terms, these things are: Assurance, Heart and Soul, Fellowship, Possibilities, and Transformation.

These are all good things to share about and explore in the following pages. But there is something else. Perhaps the most important thing needed for this journey, the thing that drives, confounds and is desired most in this journey is – company. Company on this journey can make all the difference. The journey is one thing, but even just the thought of it being a voyage of solitude is unbearable. Yet, with one or many walking along with us – we can find the strength and hope to keep going on. It’s that powerful. And of course, we aren’t alone – the Lord is always with us. But you and I know, as much as we believe, it sure feels lonely a lot of the time.

So I want to walk alongside you for a while. Maybe we can even stop and sit and rest for a while together. All of our journeys include mountaintops, valleys, wildernesses and it often seems like the weight we carry doesn’t get any lighter. As you know, I can’t change the journey God has lovingly designed for you – but I can encourage you, make it more bearable, and illuminate pitfalls and breathtaking views along the way.

Will you walk with me for a while?

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