
Posts Tagged ‘letters’

Advent 2011



Dear Members and Friends of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook:



“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19



For as long as I can remember, there is a single moment I long and wait for every Christmas Eve…


It’s after the service, after gatherings we might attend, it’s after everyone else has gone to bed…


In the sacred quiet of this miraculous night, I sit and try to treasure up “all these things and ponder them in my heart” – the wonder of God coming near – Emmanuel.


As this season continues and we approach this night of wonder, I invite you to please join us for the following:


            Sunday, December 11 – 10:30 am           Worship on the Third Sunday of Advent

            Sunday, December 11 – 4 pm                 Annual Vespers Program with Dinner

            Sunday, December 18 – 10:30 am           Worship on the Fourth Sunday of Advent

            Saturday, December 24 – 5:30 pm          Christmas Eve Service

            Sunday, December 25 – 10:30 am           Christmas Morning Worship


I know, I know, we live in a cynical, non-stop time; and to say that I am still amazed and in awe may be surprising. But if you think about it, no matter how many Christmases that we share and experience, the story, the event, the miracle is still as awesome as it was at the first one. God chose to come to us and to save us. It takes my breath away when I go there and sit with Him in the quiet of that night.


As the heavenly messenger proclaimed with a light that conquered the darkness that night, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11).” If there was ever news too good to be true…and yet it was and is true. The hopeless, hapless shepherds lives are turned upside down as they are told to go see the proof – a baby wrapped in cloths lying in a manger (Luke 2:12). He came to us. In just one night as the Son of Heaven bent down to dwell on earth – the separation from God was being bridged, being poor was never the same, being hopeless and grieving were never the same, being on the outside was never the same, sin and death would never be the same either.


And He still comes to us, while we are still sinners, while we forget about Him, while we are distracted, while we despair, while we think this is “just another Christmas.” I invite you this year more than ever before, to take all these things – His arrival, His promised return, His sacrificial and transforming love, His death and resurrection and His Kingdom and reign – and “treasure up all these things and ponder them in your hearts.”


After the trees, lights, gifts, carols, cookies and food; in the quiet of Christmas Eve and in the quiet of our hearts and souls – the hope, the peace, the joy, the love – the wondrous, once and yet eternal gift of God in Christ can come alive again.



In Christ’s Love,



Pastor Christopher B. Wolf

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So one Sunday just before worship started, this church member named Barb came up to me and stopped me. And she joyfully said, “Christopher! I was reading my Bible last night. While I was reading, I came across this verse and I thought of you…You’re our letter!!” I thanked her and then looked at the little green sticky note which she had put in my hand. The words, “2 Corinthians 3:3 Christopher” were written on it. I still have it.

It was meaningful then as it is still today. It was great to hear that a church member was reading the Bible on her own. And of course it was very sweet that she thought of me. I held onto that sticky note and looked at it often during very trying times.

The verse?

“You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts (2 Corinthians 3:3, NIV).” Now you should know that the “you” is plural. So while it was so nice of Barb to apply it to me, Paul in writing to the Corinthian Christians was calling all of them “letters.” And it’s no different today. We all can be sent and addressed to others to show and demonstrate something about God.

But here’s my take on this. Not sure I am worthy of this…it’s quite an endorsement. But it does remind me of a pure and true desire on my part to be…proof.

We live in a time and a world where everyone wants proof. Proof that God exists, that God is good, that He cares and is involved. We have to prove ourselves at our jobs. We feel like to prove ourselves to spouses, family members and friends. We feel like we have to constantly prove that we are good enough and worthy.

Maybe it’s because we are so visual; or maybe it’s because of the influence of being so litigious. Perhaps it’s because we just don’t trust systems and people.

We have to see it to believe it…

And of course faith is, well, the opposite in many ways. We have to believe it in order to see it.

And of course we know that faith doesn’t come easy. Clearly, God gave us the Bible so that we could know Him more.

Even more to the point, God gave us His Son so that as the quote goes, “God’s love would be more (or most) visible through Him.”

With Jesus presently in Heaven, there have to be other ways to show, to demonstrate, to prove that He and all that He is, is real.

I have been thinking lately about what I want to accomplish in terms of ministry. There are many roles to play – shepherd, pastor, teacher, evangelist, comforter, and others. But I have been thinking lately that perhaps through those roles and just as a human being, I want to be…proof. It’s like Paul said, “…I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:19-20).”

I want my life, all of it, to point to not only God’s existence but His grace, love, and power. Just like with any kind of proof or evidence, it has to be visible, it has to be authentic, it has to be tested and found consistent.

And believe me, I am unable to do this on my own; it’s not even my idea really.

But maybe for believers, seekers and doubters alike, maybe by the way I serve, by the way I love, by the way I forgive, by the way I reach out, by the way I seek justice, by the way I pray, by the way I believe, by the way I hope and see possibility, by the way I lead, by the way I endure trials, by the way I rejoice and praise God, by the way I want to please God more than anything else, by the way I am a spouse, father, son, brother and friend and many other ways, maybe through all of it – someone might come to believe or deepen their belief – to believe that there is a God, and that He is holy and wonderful and forgiving and redeeming and fully engaged for good in our lives.

What if people said of you and me, “I know what it is to be loved by God because of the way you loved me?” That’s the kind of goal or achievement I am seeking after. That my life, my loving, my faith – all pointed to God that clearly. And think of how transforming it would be within churches and beyond them into communities!

When people look at our lives, if we are doing this faithfully, the only conclusion they can come to is, “Only Christ could be the author of that kind of life.”

So as letters of God’s – there really is only one true and faithful response – “Here am I; send me.”

Here we are Lord; write us with your Spirit, address us to other lonely, broken, despairing human hearts and…send us.


Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7



Christopher B. Wolf is pastor of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook, New Jersey. He is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and the forthcoming, With You: Every Step of the Way (2011).

“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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Advent 2010

Dear Members and Friends of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook:

It started with a dream.

Just when Joseph had resolved to give up his betrothed Mary, an angel appeared to him in a dream – calming his fears, encouraging him to marry Mary, and that the child she was bearing was the one whom the prophets had foretold – as impossible as it seemed, that God would dwell in flesh among his people and save them. Now that’s a dream!

It is said that Joseph awoke from this amazing dream and obeyed what he was asked to do – and their son Jesus was born. This same Jesus is the one whose miraculous birth we celebrate all these thousands of years later in this season of possibility. Please join us for these events to celebrate this glorious season:

Sunday, December 19 – 10:30 am        Worship on the 4th Sunday of Advent

Friday, December 24 –    5:30 pm        Christmas Eve – Candlelight & Carols. Invite friends!

You know, a little like Joseph, we find ourselves in difficult times with seemingly few options. The economy, jobs, our culture, even the church in the world and our own church – all give us pause. But God has not left us without dreams either. There is the dream that during this difficult economic time, we can watch God provide and rediscover what really matters. There is the dream that our culture can awaken and turn away from destructive things and return to God. There is the dream that the worldwide church can become more united and alive by embracing the lead of the Holy Spirit. And, there is the dream of our own church here in Saddle Brook, to be renewed and strengthened. A dream of a church that is passionate for Christ, sharing and growing together and demonstrating the love, compassion and grace of Christ for neighbors and the community around us.

A little like Joseph, we may be astounded at what we hear in dreams like these. But, a lot like Joseph, let us, despite how impossible our dreams may seem, be faithful and wait on the One who makes all things possible. Let us be faithful and wait on the one who promises to renew our strength like wings of eagles. Let us be faithful and wait on the One long ago came to dwell with us and never leaves or forsakes us.

This is the season of possibility! And to dream and to embrace dreams in a season of possibility is a glorious gift of God! My prayer for us is that we, through the season of Advent and remembering the birth of Christ this year, experience the words of Psalm 126, “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with shouts of joy…”

It starts with a dream.

In Christ,

Pastor Christopher Wolf

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“The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

A Note from God, based on 2 Peter 3:9

My Dear Child:


I know you have often been confused about the difference between my timing and yours. I know there have been times when you felt like I was slow in showing up or making things happen. Please remember that when I promise something – it is going to happen because all things are possible with and through me. I just ask you to also remember that our senses of timing are different. Like it says earlier in 2 Peter that with me one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.


I also want you to keep mind that I am patient with you. You know from my Word that all of you are going to fall short – a lot and that I no longer remember your confessed sins. Remember all those times you have asked for second, third and fourth chances? That’s my point – with Jesus standing before you as your savior, in my view, I have no memory of the reasons and the requests. I remain steadfast and faithful. And I am patient, you have seen that. Once you are mine, I never give up on you…

The Goal

The reason I am patient with you? Because I don’t want anyone to be permanently separated from me. I created you – I don’t want something I created to be destroyed. I want everyone to come to a point in their lives where they recognize the need for me – the need to repent and turn in their hearts to me for salvation and for living abundantly. And if you look over your lifetime, this is what I have been patiently and purposefully doing. I know in your eyes it often may not look purposeful or that the timing has not worked out according to you. But here’s the thing – the timing and the patience have to do in part you with you! How many times have you said to me about yourself or others, “Why does this take so long?!” Like all humans – sin, guilt, pride, stubbornness and a whole bunch of other things get in the way of your heart belonging to me – you know it’s true J. And I know it is true and that is why I sent Jesus into this world to die on the cross and rise again so that you may live and have the way to return to me. And, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through events, through people, I have patiently walked along side you – never leaving you – reminding you of my love and care for you and knowing throughout it all – the very moment or moments you will return to me. That is what I want for all my children – yes for you.

The timing, the patience and the goal are all part of my promised love for you through my son Jesus. Maybe all along, through all the valleys and mountains, today is the day that you will turn and give me your heart completely…

Love, God


Discussion Questions

  1. Is today the day? Why or why not?
  2. Are you able to see/hear in this verse the “wideness of God’s mercy?” Why or why not?
  3. Can you think of and share some times when God has been patient with you? How does it feel to know why he is patient with us?
  4. Have you ever wondered about God’s timing? How does His timing look 5 or 10 years later?

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Hello: When we think of Valentine’s Day – we think chocolate, flowers, and romantic dinners. But how about a “love” letter? “To love someone is to help them love God,” said Soren Kierkegaard. Please read this for yourself, use it to start a conversation, or send it as your own to someone…

“When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home he calls his friends and neighbors, saying to them, “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.” Luke 15:5-6

February 2010

Dear ____________________

First of all I just want to tell you how much I love you and care for you. You have made such an impact in my life. I can think of many special memories we share. If God had not brought you into my life, things would be very different. I am so thankful to God for you.

And that is why I am writing to you. You see, I have thought about this message to you so many times. I have prayed it and prayed about it many times. In fact, I want to apologize for not saying or writing this to you sooner. It’s that important and yet and I just could never find the right words or right time. Or maybe I was just afraid.

But not anymore. I feel like God has moved in me and my life and the time has come for me to share this message with you. Like I said before, you have meant so much to me. And that is why the thought of not sharing eternity with you in God’s presence is motivating me to share how much having Jesus as my savior has meant to me and how I want you to share in this too. The thought of being in Heaven without you breaks my heart. I want you to be there.

As well, I have watched you for a long time. And I have lifted up many prayers for you. And I have watched you wrestle with many demons, questions and emptiness. Believe me, I have my demons and questions too! But despite being a sinner, I have a peace and a power and hope that is beyond anything that can be achieved, bought or found in this world. Thanks to Jesus, I have something that nothing in this world can take away, no disease, no loss, no defeat – nothing in this world is greater than His love for me.

And I want you to have this too. This way of life that is by no means easy! But I reached a point where I realized that I couldn’t (and didn’t want to) do this life on my own – whether it was salvation or figuring things out or withstanding all the things that we face in life.  And so I turned to Jesus and I asked him to be the Lord of my life, forgive my sins, save me, remove my guilt, heal me, give me a purpose and be my rock and compass – none of which I could do for myself. And since then things have never been the same. When I think of my life without Christ ruling in my heart, I seriously wonder how I made it; and I see how hard it was at times and how empty and alone I felt. Do I still fall short? Absolutely. And yet he continues to shape and mold me. Not fun at times, but I know His love for me is unconditional and never-ending and unlike anything I have ever known. I would love to tell you more about how I gave my heart and life to Christ. I would also love to pray this with you in person or over the phone.

I know you may be thinking that God doesn’t remember you or it’s too late or you are no longer worthy or a whole bunch of other things. Or that maybe your heart is so broken now that there is no hope. Or that you are doing fine on your own and that you don’t need God. Or that maybe you have been going through the motions and rituals all your life but have never made a personal commitment to Jesus. But the great thing, the best thing is that through Jesus dying on the cross and rising on Easter, we get a second chance (a third, fourth and fifth and so on). No heart or life is so broken or cold or numb that it is beyond the reach of Jesus’ love. It really is that amazing! I have felt it in my life so abundantly that my heart overflows with thanksgiving to God.

I need to tell you today that I love you. I need to tell you that God loves you more than you know and always has and that He is waiting for you to turn or come back to Him. I need to tell you to ask or re-welcome Jesus into your heart today. I need to tell you that I want to see you in Heaven. If I can help you, you know I am there for you.

In Him, Christopher

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