
Posts Tagged ‘masks’

Hello! Here is this week’s Living Water! It is a chapter from my first book – Giving Faith a Second Chance. It is the first chapter from Part III – A Second Chance Offers…Possibility. It is a series of chapters that communicate about what happens when people give faith a second chance. This chapter in the book is called A Second Chance Offers…Truth. In the original manuscript it was called “Ultimate Us.” Always feel free to share Living Water! Peace, Christopher



Ultimate Us


Remember how we talked about being “as sick as our secrets” before?  Part of it of course is that what happened to many of us was awful.  But what makes it even worse, even more damaging, is that it’s hidden and that is where it does the most damage.  And while hidden it keeps working on us shaping us in destructive ways.  Much like a fungus that grows in the dark, it grows and takes over after a while.

There is also this strange light of an eclipse that colors everything.  As we remember, the light is strange because something has eclipsed the true light of our lives, God.  And while God’s light still shines around it, the obstruction colors everything we do.  And many times, to deal with it we say, “there is nothing wrong; there’s no problem.”  The only problem with that is many of us can see the strange light as well.  In many ways, the strange light is denial.  Denial is anything that keeps us from the truth – stories, lies, rationalizations.  Denial is anything we use to convince ourselves that everything is okay when it is not.

So we resolve that we are going to stay hidden so no one can find the real us.  We are the life of the party so that no one looks any further.  Maybe they will and maybe they won’t.  But the longer we hide, the more we disappear.  The more that we fade away, all that is left is a mask.  In addition to that, we are going to exist in this strange light of denial, never experiencing real joy or real pain.  And that is okay, we think, that is the way we want it. But, how can anyone connect to a mask and to someone in denial?  But that is okay with us, we’ll risk it because we are convinced that staying hidden and unknown is safer and less painful.  It may feel freeing at times to wear masks and live in denial, but it is very imprisoning.

But there is something that can make the difference: Claiming and remembering that God’s love for us is unconditional.  Because we have become so performance based in everything it is very hard to imagine someone, let alone God loving us for who we are (whoever that is).  And when we are loved unconditionally there is no truth in or about our lives that is so awful, painful and reprehensible that cannot be understood by God.  I know, I know it sounds ridiculous.  But this love of God is very much like a light.  A light that can shatter any darkness.  It is a light that can shine through any mask.

But we have to understand one thing.  Once we let God’s light into our lives the truth becomes clearer.  There is nothing so clarifying as the light of God’s love.  That is why so many of us stay home from church and stay away from God.  Fear, judgment – we are wise to avoid these.  But we are missing out on something else.  What looks horrible and awful in the dark becomes comprehensible and hopeful in God’s light and love.  The disfigured face behind the mask becomes beautiful.  This is the Gospel found in stories like Beauty and the Beast.

Though, the idea of being found, the idea of being unmasked is still terrifying.  Because we get so used to hiding the in dark or behind masks that to come out from behind them it very uncomfortable – thus misery…at first.

Listen to these words from Jesus, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”  Now, from my perspective he is talking about two truths.  The first is the Truth that he is the messiah.  The second one is about truth – the truth of life.

One way to think of this is – we will never heal, we will never even come close to being whole, we will never be free until we acknowledge the truth of our lives.

It is only when we engage and inspect and accept the truth that we can begin to heal; but we don’t have to do this alone.  The alternate ending to a life of masks and strange light and darkness is being held by God and living in the truth.

The masks and the secrets can melt and dissolve away; revealing the truth of our lives, which is God’s work still in progress – remember the reason and how he is making all things new.  Darkness and denial and secrets can’t stop it.  The light of God’s love can melt and shatter them, if we become brave enough to let it in.

And in that light, there is a way in which like some kind of miracle mirror – instead of seeing the damaged, masked, hidden and unrecognizable image of ourselves we see each day, we can begin to see the face that God lovingly sees, the face, the person, which is the possible, ultimate us…


Reflection Questions

Can you think of some areas of your life about which you are in denial?

What do you think or feel when you hear the idea that what is horrible in our lives can become “comprehensible and hopeful” in God’s light and love?

Can you think of some things to face the truth about as well as some things that need to be let go?



Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7



Christopher B. Wolf is pastor of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook, New Jersey. He is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and the forthcoming, With You Every Step of the Way (2011).

“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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You have picked 😉 an extraordinary time to graduate – war, economy, jobs, and the extraordinary cost of college. Maybe I would be worried in other years – but you are one of the most spiritual, resourceful, and socially conscious generations in history.


Still you have to be thinking, “What will make the difference? What will give you an edge…what will help you succeed?”


What will make the difference in life? A life of significance…


We are told that what really matters is having – confidence, money, material things, and fame.


But I think you and I know each of those only go so far.


The apostle Paul said, “For I have learned to be to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstance I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him (Christ) who strengthens me (Philippians 4:12-13).” 


This secret, or the difference has three parts – Faith, Purpose and Serving Others.


Faith is something to believe in – it’s innate to want to believe in something larger than ourselves – God planted that inside of us for him. Sometimes it gets warped into other things – sports teams, a band, or an idea. Faith gives order to chaos – order to the chaos of life – meaning – make sense of this craziness. When the whole world seems to crumbling – something that is solid on which to stand.


But for me, faith is more than this. For me, personally, it is the absolute assurance that because Jesus is my Lord and Savior, I will, without a doubt, be with Him eternally in Heaven. I don’t have any evidence for it – I can’t tell you where it is – but through faith, I know this. But also, I have come to know unconditional love and learned how to love others in this way. I have known grace and mercy and have learned to share these with others. Thanks to my faith, my fears have diminished and I find purpose. I want you to have these things via faith in Christ too. I want you to know that you can contact me if you have questions about this or want to talk more about it.


Speaking of purpose. This difference is also about a sense of purpose. It is the one thing that can cut through all the masks and pretense and games we play. We spend so much time and effort trying to please or impress others. With a purpose, all of that evaporates. Life with a purpose is something you never have to explain or apologize for. Once you find it – it’s you. Purpose gives drive and focus. And what follows with a purpose is passion – the difference between good and great in this world. Each of you has a God-given purpose – Jeremiah 29:11 – The Lord says, “I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and to give you a future with hope.” I implore you to use the next few months or years finding it – it is there – you may have to dig, it may surprise you, but it is there.


And when you combine faith, purpose, passion – in any situation, it will enable you to risk. And you and I know that all great things accomplished in this world required risk. Risk based on faith, purpose and passion will enable anyone, in any situation to go beyond survive – to thrive!


Finally, the third part of this difference is taking faith and purpose to serve others. You have heard, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” You understand that. I want you to know that this world needs you. We adults don’t do a very good job of opening doors for you to serve in our churches and communities. We have to improve on that. We need your energy, your passion, your ideas, and your resourcefulness.


Have you ever heard the Ralph Waldo Emerson poem called “Success”? My favorite part is, “To know that even one life has breathed easier – this is to have succeeded.” Each of you is capable of this. Each of you as a person of faith, as a citizen, son or daughter, brother or sister, friend, student, parent, mentor, leader – you will be called on to make a difference – it is in God’s plan. Many of you have already. Will you be ready? Talk about significance. The opportunity to help “a life breathe easier.” I know I have found it to be one of the most fulfilling moments of life.   


With faith in God, with a purpose, and through sharing your blessings with others – you will have this “difference” in your life – and you will make a difference. It is the life of significance for which so many people yearn.  


Class of 2009 you have all that you need to make a difference in this world – we are counting on you, we are waiting on you with hope for the difference you will make in your community, state, nation and world.




Discussion Questions

  1. Are you longing for this “difference” in your life? What can you do about it?
  2. What is your purpose? How can you figure it out?
  3. Have you ever made a difference in someone’s life? How did it happen?
  4. When was the last time you risked in reaching out to serve someone? Has it been too long?

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