
Posts Tagged ‘naked’


Matthew 25:35-36 “…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36 

If you were hungry, I would cook a feast.

If you were thirsty, I would give you my overflowing cup.

If you were a stranger, I would make a place for you.

If you were naked, I would clothe and protect you.

If you were sick, I would pray and stay with you.

If you were in prison, I would ask to be with you in your cell. 

If you were crying, I would wipe away the tears.

If you needed prayer, my lips would already be moving.

If you needed a hug, my arms would be open.

If you needed wisdom, I would find it for you in the Word.

If you were lost, I wouldn’t stop until I found you.

If you were trapped, I would lead the rescue effort. 

If you were lonely, I would be with you.

If you were sad, I would dance (which would make you laugh!)

If you couldn’t say it, I would still know.

If you were hurting, I would make it stop.

If you were hopeless, I would show you how.

If you needed to see the Lord, I would bring Him to you. 

If you were silent, I would still hear you.

If you couldn’t go on, I would carry you.

If you couldn’t let go, I would be patient.

If you couldn’t stop, I would pray and wait.

If you were angry, I wouldn’t run away.

If you were scared, I would take your hand and whisper comfort to you.  

If you were seeking, I would walk alongside you.

If you wanted it to stop, I would make it stop.

If you pushed me away, I would understand and come back again another time.

If you kept me at a distance, I would wave and wait.

If you wanted to remember, I would show you.

If you were drowning, I would dive in.  

If you felt worthless, I would show you how treasured you are.

If you were hiding, I would find you.

If your precious heart were broken into pieces, I would pick them up and start putting it back together.

If you were facing terrible enemies, I would be right next to you.

If you were dying, I would sit with you until the end, and after. 

If you lost faith, I would try to give you a reason to believe.  

If you didn’t know Jesus I would tell you about Him and try to show you who He was through me. 


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