
Posts Tagged ‘Psalm 40’

The world has been focused on and moved by the rescue of the miners in Chile. A miracle? Wondrous? Amazing? The Gospel in real-time and real life? Yes, on all of these. Watch this…


The Ditch

The miners were stuck underground since August with very little supplies and no way out except for being dug out. This is like us spiritually. Because of sin we are permanently separated from God who is holy. Just like the miners, there is nothing we can do. They couldn’t dig themselves out – and neither can we – sin is that corrupting and that powerful. In order for us to overcome sin and all of its consequences, we need to be rescued. We can’t be good enough or perfect enough. If you have tried that route, you know that it is exhausting and doesn’t work.




But do not despair. Just like the miners knew that they could communicate with the world above. We have prayer. And our prayers are heard! “I waited and waited and waited for God. At last he looked; finally he listened (Psalm 40:1 The Message).” If faith is the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist, hope is the confidence that they can act in our lives. We may not know what it looks like, or when it will come, but hope is believing that there will be a divine response for our good. Hope is so powerful that it can keep people alive in the worst circumstances. People who are addicted and trapped, people who are in abusive situations, miners stuck below ground – anytime it looks on paper or in reality that it’s over – that is when God, only God, can do something. And often He does through family, friends and others who care.


I know it is often easy to look at our spiritual lives and think that our sins are beyond redemption, that we are in a ditch that not even God can (or wants to) reach. Maybe we think it has been too long since we went to church or prayed or asked for forgiveness. But like the miners, while they couldn’t hear the drilling, but it was coming. I promise you today that no matter what your situation, no matter how bad it looks, God is still seeking you out. He is still working to break down whatever is between you – sin, time, fear, doubt, idols and addictions. The love of God in Christ Jesus and power of the Holy Spirit are slowly, purposefully moving toward you, to reach you in the depths of your heart.



The Rescue

And then there is the breakthrough. The drilling breaks through and then they set up the phoenix rescue capsule to be able to bring the miners up from the depths. That apparatus for us spiritually was the cross. Where on the cross Jesus Christ took upon himself everything that separates us from God – sin and death. And when he died on that cross and rose again, the power of sin and death were put under his authority. Yes, they still affect, haunt and pursue us. But thanks to Jesus we can be rescued from them permanently and eternally by believing in what he accomplished – that it was for you and me personally.


As Psalm 40, states, “He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud.” The miners, one by one are being pulled out of the depths, lifted up to life. I just watched the last one be rescued. They were cheering and celebrating. This is what we need to do every time someone is rescued or restored by Jesus. That is the meaning of the heart of the Luke 15 parables (lost sheep, coin and son).


I know for me, the times when God has pulled me out of ditches, there is no feeling like it. And there is no feeling like remembering those times and praising God for them. It is a life changing moment when you say to God, “I am powerless against sin (and other things) and I surrender my heart and life to you – I belong to you body and soul, life and death – forgive my sins and create in me a clean heart, a new heart that desires you above all things and let me spend my life thanking you through worship and serving.”


Just like the light growing clearer and brighter for the miners as they ascended in the tube, the old, true hymn Amazing Grace sings, “How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed.”



New Life

As each miner was released from the cage of the phoenix capsule, the door opened to a new life. Nothing will ever be the same for them. Some will struggle and have much to overcome. But, they know, perhaps more than most people in this world, what it is like to be lost and be found; to be dead and now alive; to be trapped and now rescued. I encourage you to stop and take a moment to think of the weight of what God has done for us. And yet, believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the same experience. Unfortunately, religion and routine and human nature can dull the joy and reality of new life for Christians. The knowledge and reality of being lost and found, dead and alive has to be vigilantly kept aflame. As Psalm 40 proclaims, “He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip. He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, a praise song to our God.” Sunday worship isn’t just a nice thing to do, it is an opportunity to thank God as a community for His grace and power. Our lives aren’t just for us; they are living sacrifices to thank God for the life and eternal life we wouldn’t have without His grace.


One more thing. It is so great that this rescue of the miners in Chile has been on display for the world to see. International effort, technology, and prayer it’s all good! It is a great example for Christians and churches. Our efforts as the body of Christ to reach people in the depths of despair, addiction, sin, and all the things that separate people from God – have to be as clear and visible as what we have seen over the last few days. The celebration of those rescued should be too! The Gospel and good news in real-time and real life.


So that soon and very soon, “More and more people are seeing this: they enter the mystery, abandoning themselves to God (Psalm 40:1-3 The Message).”





Discussion Questions

  1. Do you feel trapped by sin, circumstances, relationships, addiction? Have you ever felt hopeless or ashamed? I want you to know that you can email me and we can talk about it – anytime – no judgment, just compassion. There is no such thing as lost with Jesus.
  2. Are you ready for a rescue? Have you been waiting on God for a long time? Maybe tonight is your night of rescue. Read the prayer again in The Rescue section above. How about it?
  3. Maybe you have already been rescued and brought to the surface. Do you need to remember what God has done for you? How can you do that to awaken to the reality of new life in Christ?
  4. How can your church be more visible in its “rescue” efforts?



Rev. Christopher B. Wolf

Isaiah 42:7




“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright


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