
Posts Tagged ‘The Message’

Some of my favorite times in life have been going for walks with family and friends. I love walking talks! With Jenny around the TCNJ/TSC (our college) campus. With Brian along the Princeton Canal and other places. And today, almost daily, Madelyn and I go for a walk to the park or around the neighborhood. Hand in hand we walk and talk about a whole bunch of stuff. Good exercise, yes, But with each of them and others, I am also trying to communicate that I am with them. Through presence, words and closeness – these are all ways to let them know I am there.

What are some other ways that we let each other know how much we mean to one another?

And, how affirming and assuring is it when others share and communicate that we are valuable to them? Very.

Well, the reason why I mention this is because there is a passage in Isaiah in which the Lord wanted his people to know that he was with them – that they were His. At this part in the book of Isaiah, the message has transitioned from judgment and consequences for sin to comfort and assurance. After all that had happened, they really needed to hear that He was still their God. I think we could hear some of that today too…

So I thought it would be good to see how we try to communicate appreciation to one another and then show how God actually does this as well…

There are all sorts of ways…

Calling someone by name always makes a difference. I mean, “Hey, man or buddy” or “It’s you!” don’t really work, right? As many of you know, I love knowing and using people’s middle names and making up nick-names for people as well as hearing all of my nicknames! It is one way to say I treasure you and you mean something to me.

The Lord says, “…I’ve called your name. You’re mine (Isaiah 43:1 The Message).” Our God is not some far off, distant supreme being. He is a personal God…”this time it’s personal” – yes it is in a very good way! And we are so His, that nothing in this world can separate us from Him (Romans 8:38-39).

You know that it always makes such a huge difference when someone calls and knows what you are going through and confidently tells you that there is an other side to whatever is happening. Further, the ministry of presence is so important. Just being there with people is so important. Wise words and speeches may be nice, but often just being in the room or on the phone says much more. So many times I have told people that I will be there with them all the way. That is my goal. It’s not my idea – I am just imitating the One I follow.

Listen to what God says, “When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end – Because I am God, your personal God, the Holy of Israel, your Savior… (Isaiah 43:2-3 The Message).” In traditional translations, instead of rock and a hard place, it talks about walking through fire and the flames will not burn you! So often our circumstances can make us feel like we are drowning, or being overwhelmed or just being consumed. But God says, “I’ll be there with you.” He is right now!

And, notice how it doesn’t say, “no getting in over your head” or “no rough waters or hard places.” Oh how I wish, and probably you too, that we could just avoid these. I am sure we have all said many prayers along the lines of, “God, can’t we just avoid rough waters and hard places – take them away.” Yet, we all have them. Why? That’s a tough one to answer broadly. When we are honest, a lot of our hard places ends and rough waters come from our own choices that He allows us to make. But, let me just say this, with all of our hard places and rough waters that we have made it through, survived and been rescued from, wouldn’t we say that we learned to trust God a little more each time??

Of course, we can just tell people we love them and what we would do to demonstrate the height, depth, width and length of our love for them…

At the end of this passage, the Lord does just that, “That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you! I’d sell of the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you (Isaiah 43:4 The Message).”

For us, a lot of times, we just say words. But our God did not just say these words. God’s Word (and words) is true and faithful. And then He sent Jesus to put the exclamation point on this idea of how much He loves us – at the cross. At the cross, Jesus endured the depths of sorrow, pain, death and hell, so that we wouldn’t have to – and through faith and believing this we are rescued from earthly and eternal dead ends! But also, Jesus went to the cross so He could be a savior that understood and experienced suffering, desolation, hard places and rough waters. He is truly the one that goes all the way for us and with us – and gets us back.

I want you to know that God is personal – that He knows what you are going through – and that He is with you today and will hold you the whole time and way. And, whether it is walks, calling by name (or nickname), being there, expressing love in word and action, we can show others that we are with them – because we know God is with us – each step of the way.


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