
Archive for the ‘Prayers’ Category

Our Father, we are asking today for You to open the heavens and let Your rains mercifully, gently and abundantly fall upon this nation and people. Where the wildfires of violence, lust, and division burn out of control – let Your rain of peace and love cover and extinguish them. Where we experience crippling droughts of reason and sanity, let Your wisdom fall and satisfy. Where corruption and greed ravenously consume, let Your justice sweep down like a flood to purify and cleanse. Where grief and sorrow burden and weigh down, let Your rain of joy and strength lift and raise spirits. Where discouragement and desperation cloud and darken futures, let Your rain of hope reveal a rainbow of promise to come. In this time of trial for our nation in these last years and the ones to come, we ask for the power and strength through the Holy Spirit to repent and turn from away from the things and ways of death and destruction; and to turn to You, and to life, and to purpose. We cry out to you to renew and heal the soul of this nation; that we may truly become one under You. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Rev. Christopher B. Wolf
Isaiah 42:7

Christopher B. Wolf is pastor of First Reformed Church of Saddle Brook, NJ and is the author of Giving Faith a Second Chance: Restarts, Mulligans and Do-Overs (2007) and With You Every Step of the Way (2011); and the host of Walk With Me, Wednesdays 8 pm on WYFN 94.9 FM-NY and on www.yfnradio.com.

“It is a matter of sharing and bearing the pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point.” N.T. Wright

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A Prayer For A Beloved

Dear Lord,  

I come to you today with someone in particular on my heart.In fact, my heart floods and overflows with love and care and compassion for him/her. 

When I think of all that he/she have been through already; and all that he/she is going through right now – Oh Lord! I want to take it all away and make it stop!

I plead with you, in Jesus’ name and power, to lead he/she safely out of this valley today.  I ask you, as only you can, make the storms and the waves and winds cease and be still.  

Should that not be your will at this time, Lord, I ask for your hand, your very presence to surround him/her, so that:

When her eyes flow with tears, wipe them away,

When he is afraid, calm his fears,

When she trembles, hold her hand

When he stumbles, catch him before he falls,

When she can’t see, shine a light on your path,

When his wounds won’t heal, touch him and make him whole

When she feels far away from you, let her know you are right there,

When he feels under attack, shelter him under your mighty wing,

When she has lost heart, let her heart beat again, flowing with your love,

When he feels useless, remind him of your purpose for him,

When she feels like she can’t take another step, swoop her up and carry her,

You see God, this person means so much to me. I treasure him/her. They have loved me and cared for me. I have seen reflections of you in them. There have been times where they lifted me. And so now I come to you, with this plea, with this prayer, that you move in their lives, at this very moment.  

It grieves me to think of them suffering or struggling – so that I cry out to you on their behalf. I am hurting because they hurt; I am wounded because of their wounds; I am with them in their suffering. I will not be still, until they are still. I ache and yearn for them to have peace – your precious peace.  

I thank you because I know you always listen to, and respond to, our prayers. You are a God of promises and faithfulness and I rejoice in that confidence and hope! 

In the name of Jesus, I place this loved one in your care and hands today.


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A prayer based on Psalm 116

O Lord, when I think about how you have blessed me, I can’t find words to capture the awe and the wonder. When I think of my calling, and my wife and children, family and friends, my congregation, all the times you have saved me – literally.

What have I done to deserve salvation and grace and all the blessings you have given me?

What have I done? I have taken it for granted many times, whined and complained, sinned, asked for forgiveness, doubted, believed and doubted again. What have I done?

Maybe Lord, that isn’t the point. Because I don’t deserve it all.

And yet you continue to give, freely and abundantly. You don’t stop giving, you don’t stop sustaining and lifting, you don’t stop reaching…even when I do.

And I all I can do, from out of my awe, my soul, my depths – where there aren’t words and yet there is eloquence, “I lift up the cup of salvation” and “pay my vows before your people” and “call on your name!”

And proclaim how great thou art! You are so worthy of praise!  

What can I return to you, O Lord, for all your bounty to me? The only thing I have to give, though not a worthy offering, is my whole life – all that I am, all that I have…I offer it to you and lay it upon your altar and lift it up to you.  

I pray this in my savior Jesus’ name,  Amen.

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month 

“Dear Lord, it has turned to night, darkness falls over our land. Yet, for many here in Hunterdon County and around our state (NJ), it is always night. The long night of domestic violence seems to never end. But you, O Lord, are the God that makes a way out of no way. You can a bring a dawn from the deepest night; you can bring hope from desperation; new life from death and destruction; survivors out of victims. So we ask, as we go forth from here, for your power, your patience, your comfort and your strength to care for women, children and families waiting, waiting for the first hints of a new day. We ask this in the name of Christ, Amen.”

 This benediction was offered at a Domestic Violence Vigil in Flemington, NJ in 2004. Christopher served from 2003-2005 as a board member of Women’s Crisis Services, who sponsored the event.

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A Pastor’s Prayer

A Pastor’s Prayer by Christopher B. Wolf

Dear Lord,

I thank you for this gift of being a shepherd for Your people.

When they cry, let me share their tears.

When they laugh, let me celebrate.

When they are broken, let me re-member them.

When they pray, let me echo their prayers.

When they need to be heard, let me listen.

When they are being tried, let me encourage them.

When they are lost, send me to find them.

When they are victorious, let me lead the rejoicing.

When they are imprisoned, let me unlock the door.

When they are blind, let me open their eyes.

When they feel unloved, let me remind them of Your love.

When they are wounded, let me bring them to your healing.

When they sin, lead me to help them repent.

When they are searching for You, let me point the way.

When they are suffering, give me the strength to sit with them.

O Lord, give me the heart of Christ, the hands of the Spirit and the power of the Word to guide these people. Amen.

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